Stine Korreman (Denmark) - Chair

Coen Hurkmans (The Netherlands) - Core Expert

Eliana Vasquez Osorio (United Kingdom) - Core Expert

Jean-Emmanuel Bibault (France) - Core Expert

Jennifer Dhont (Belgium) - Core Expert


Chuck Mayo (United States) - Full Member

Federico Mastroleo (Italy) - Full Member

Janita van Timmeren (The Netherlands) - Full Member

Konrad Stawiski (Poland) - Full Member

Marco Fusella (Italy) - Full Member

Mark Gooding (United Kingdom) - Full Member

Theresa O' Donovan (Ireland) - Full Member

Wouter Crijns (Belgium) - Full Member

Wouter van Elmpt (The Netherlands) - Full Member

General topics

  • State-of-the-art reviews on auto-segmentation, dose-prediction/planning and radiomics and prediction models.
  • Use of large language models and natural language processing in RT
  • Bridge to computer vision/data science groups/communities
  • Webinar(s) on applied AI
  • Investigation of funding applications for networking
  • ESTRO course

Activities resulting from the ESTRO Physics workshop 2023: AI for the fully automated RT chain

  • Report on the (first) full automation challenge
  • Creation of a model fact sheet, i.e. what should be declared?
  • Development of a risk analysis consensus, i.e. template for risk analysis
  • Role of the auto-pilot, learning from other fields
  • Continuation of full automation challenge

Activities resulting from the ESTRO Physics workshop 2022: AI for MR-guided RT

  • Vision paper on real-time motion management in MRI-guided RT
  • Organization of a real-time target localization challenge on 2D cine MRI
  • State-of-the-art review on synthetic CT development and clinical implementation