The NSC will engage with Standing Committees to enable the prioritisation of topics suitable for development within existing and future organisation. The aim of the NSC is to implement a bridge function between ESTRO and the National Societies (NS) to support the ESTRO Vision statement while considering the existence and duties of different ESTRO committees. The main function of the NSC is to act as a mediator to tackle  professional issues by supporting societies with the right tools, and to contribute to an enhanced RO health service provision at the national level, and beyond. The NSC advises the ESTRO Board and respective councils on specific topics.

Activities under the remit of the NSC are to:

  • Maintain the National Societies database register
  • Monitor the European frame concerning possible needs and requirements from different NS (e.g. periodic surveys and forums with NS regarding items such as minimal requirements for  good clinical practice, lobbying and oncopolicy, strategic importance of young members)
  • Direct co-operation and implementation of tools such as  HERO and ROSEIS while considering differences at the national level
  • Encourage joint initiatives and foster collaborative partnerships amongst alliances and professionals in the radiation oncology community
  • Facilitate networking between the ESTRO National Societies.

Chair: Banu Atalar, Radiation Oncologist, Acibadem University - Department of Radiation Oncology (TR)

Paul Doolan, Medical Physicist, German Oncology Center (CY)

Edward Farrugia Wismayer, RTT, Sir Anthony Mamo Oncology Centre (MT)

Dorota Gabrys, Radiation Oncologist, Maria Sklodowska-Curie Memorial Cancer Center and Institute of Oncology (PL)

Colin Kelly, Medical Physicist, St James’s Centre, St Luke’s Radiation Oncology Network (IE)

Siret Kivistik, RTT, Tartu University Hospital Cancer Centre (EE)

Pedro Lara, Radiation Oncologist, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ES)

Daan Nevens, Radiation Oncologist, UZA - Iridium Cancer Network (BE) 

Peter Niehoff, Radiation Oncologist, Sana Klinikum Offenbach (DE) 

Christian Richter, Medical Physicist, OncoRay - Center for Radiation Research in Oncology (DE)

Sofia Rivera, Radiation Oncologist, Institut Gustave Roussy (FR)

Heidi S. Rønde, Medical Physicist, Danish Society for Medical Physics (DK) 

Claudio Votta, RTT, Fondazione Policlinico Universitario “A. Gemelli” IRCCS (IT)


Past Chairs: 

Barbara Jereczek Fossa, Radiation Oncologist, European Institute of Oncology & University of Milan (IT) 

Umberto Ricardi, Radiation Oncologist, University of Turin (IT)