9068 Results

Congress Abstract

Clinical impacts of managing motion in kidney stereotactic ablative body radiotherapy


Mathieu Gaudreault1, Shankar Siva2, Tomas Kron1, Nicholas Hardcastle1

1Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Physical Sciences, Melbourne, Australia; 2Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Division of Radiation Oncology, Melbourne, Australia

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Congress Abstract

Improvement of a deep learning based automatic delineation model using anatomical criteria


Thomas Brion1, Eleni Karamouza2, Louis De Vitry3, Aurélien Lombard3, Thais Roque3, Nikos Paragios3, Guillaume Auzac1, Assia Lamrani-Ghaouti4, Naïma Bonnet4, Elaine Limkin1, Marjolaine Ung1, Sophie Bockel1, David Pasquier5, Stéphanie Wong6, HypoG-01 trialists4, Samir Achkar1, Sofia Rivera7,1

1Institut Gustave Roussy, Radiation Oncology, Villejuif, France; 2Institut Gustave Roussy, Biostatistics and Epidemiology, Villejuif, France; 3Therapanacea, Artificial Intelligence, Paris, France; 4Unicancer, Unitrad, Kremlin Bicêtre, France; 5Centre Oscar Lambret, Radiation Oncology, Lille, France; 6Assistance Publique des Hôpitaux de Marseille, Radiation Oncology, Marseille, France; 7Université Paris - Saclay, INSERM U1030, Villejuif, France

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Congress Abstract

Automated versus manual LINAC stereotactic radiosurgery plans in patients with 4-10 brain metastases

Authors: Petoukhova|, Anna(1)*[a.petoukhova@haaglandenmc.nl];Snijder|, Roland(1);Wiggenraad|, Rudolf(2);de Boer-de Wit |, Linda(2);Mudde-van der Wouden |, Ivonne (2);Florijn |, Mireille(1);Zindler|, Jaap(3,4);van Santvoort |, Jan (1);
(1)Haaglanden Medical Centre, Department of Medical Physics, Leidschendam, The Netherlands;(2)Haaglanden Medical Centre, Department of Radiation Oncology, Leidschendam, The Netherlands;(3)Erasmus MC Cancer Institute, Department of Radiation Oncology, Rotterdam, The Netherlands;(4)Holland Proton Therapy Centre, Department of Radiation Oncology, Delft, The Netherlands;
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Congress Abstract

MRI-based tumour localisation after clip placement for proton beam therapy of uveal melanoma


Jan-Willem Beenakker1,2,3, Myriam Jaarsma-Coes2,1, Teresa Ferreira2, Marina Marinkovic1, Myra Rodrigues3,4, Yvonne Klaver3,4, Khanh Vu1, Berit Verbist2, Gre Luyten1, Coen Rasch3

1Leiden University Medical Center, Ophthalmology, Leiden, The Netherlands; 2Leiden University Medical Center, Radiology, Leiden, The Netherlands; 3Leiden University Medical Center, Radiotherapy, Leiden, The Netherlands; 4HollandPTC, Radiotherapy, Delft, The Netherlands

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Journal Article

Assessment of intra-fraction motion during frameless image guided Gamma Knife stereotactic radiosurgery

Authors: Winnie Li, Gregory Bootsma, David Shultz, Normand Laperriere, Barbara-Ann Millar, Young Bin Cho, David A. Jaffray, Caroline Chung, Catherine Coolens

Journal Article

Redefining postmastectomy radiation contouring in the era of immediate breast reconstruction: An accurate assessment of local recurrence risk

Authors: Nicholas Lao, Muriel Brackstone, Silvia C. Formenti, Christopher Doherty, Francisco Perera, Ronald Chow, Tanya DeLyzer, Aaron Grant, Gabriel Boldt, Michael Lock

Journal Article

Technical feasibility of online adaptive stereotactic treatments in the abdomen on a robotic radiosurgery system

Authors: Maaike T.W. Milder, Alba Magallon-Baro, Wilhelm den Toom, Erik de Klerck, Lorne Luthart, Joost J. Nuyttens, Mischa S. Hoogeman

Congress Abstract

Which external beam modality is optimal?

Authors: Barnes|, Toni(1)*[toni.barnes@sunnybrook.ca];
(1)Odette Cancer Centre, Radiation Oncology, Toronto, Canada;
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Journal Article

Adaptive magnetic resonance-guided neurovascular-sparing radiotherapy for preservation of erectile function in prostate cancer patients

Authors: Frederik R. Teunissen, Ruud C. Wortel, Jochem Hes, Thomas Willigenburg, Eline N. de Groot-van Breugel, Johannes C.J. de Boer, Harm H.E. van Melick, Helena M. Verkooijen, Jochem R.N. van der Voort van Zyp

Congress Abstract

Can empty bladder filling protocol be implemented for localised prostate external beam radiotherapy?

Authors: CHETIYAWARDANA|, Gayan(1)*[gayan.chetiyawardana@nhs.net];Holborn|, Catherine(2);Hoskin|, Peter(1);Tsang|, Yat(1);
(1)Mount Vernon Cancer Centre, Radiotherapy, Northwood, United Kingdom;(2)Sheffield Hallam University, Allied Health Department, Sheffield, United Kingdom;
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