Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

ESTRO meets Asia 2024


August 23
14:45 - 16:00
Role development in RTT advanced practice
Filipe Moura, Portugal;
Sharon Wong, Singapore
The symposium will explore a wide range of Radiation Therapist (RTT) advanced practices, aiming to enhance treatment personalization and integration while maintaining safety and effectiveness in challenging treatment environments. Given the emergence of innovative techniques such as particle therapy and online adaptive approaches, it is essential to evaluate and discuss the fundamental knowledge, skills, and competencies required for well-structured educational programs. The evolution of RTT roles in this intricate landscape poses fresh challenges in diverse treatment settings, underscoring the importance of collaborative teamwork to optimize treatment outcomes. The event will particularly focus on examining the roles in RTTs advanced practice for Breast Cancer, offering insights and strategies for the future.
14:45 - 15:03
Advancing patient care: The expanding role of RTTs in advanced radiation modalities
Yat Man Tsang, Canada
15:03 - 15:21
Addressing the education and training needs of RTT in particle radiation therapy
Taeyoon Kim, Korea Republic of
15:21 - 15:39
The role of RTT in online adaptive radiotherapy
Helen McNair, United Kingdom
15:39 - 15:57
The APRT role in advanced breast treatment
Li Hoon (LiYun) Lim, Singapore