Copenhagen, Denmark

ESTRO 2022


May 10
09:15 - 10:30
Room D5
Modelling of complex systems and interactions
Charlotte Robert, France;
René Winter, Norway
Modelling is playing an increasing role in the implementation of personalized radiotherapy at a key time when maximizing the immune response is sought. In this session, Pr. R. Mohan will present innovative work based on advanced statistical and machine learning techniques to identify causal factors of radiation-induced lymphopenia, with the ultimate goal to develop "personalized" models predicting the risk of radiation-induced lymphopenia. Complementarily, Pr. C. Grassberger will summarize research on dynamic blood flow modelling to decipher the role of irradiation of the circulating blood in explaining radiation-induced lymphopenia. Work on mathematical modelling of tumor responses in combined immunotherapy/radiotherapy regimens and to oncogene-targeted agents will also be presented. The final presentation, by Pr. I. Toma-Dasu, will focus on dynamic modelling of tumor oxygenation and its application to tumor control predictions. A brief overview of tumor re-oxygenation modelling based on functional imaging of tumor hypoxia will close the session
09:15 - 09:40
Radhe Mohan, USA
10:05 - 10:30
Iuliana Toma-Dasu, Sweden