Charlotte Robert



Charlotte Robert, PhD, is associate professor at Paris-Saclay University, where she teaches medical and nuclear physics at the Faculties of Medicine and Sciences, and medical physicist. After a thesis in physics dedicated to the optimization of semi-conductor SPECT systems, she completed her training with a three-year post-doctoral position at IMNC laboratory (Imaging and Modeling for Neurology and Oncology) in Orsay, France. This post-doc was focused on the use of PET acquisitions for the dose delivery control in hadrontherapy. Since 2019, she is coordinating research activities dedicated to artificial intelligence and multi-modal imaging for personalized radiotherapy in the radiation therapy department of Gustave Roussy Hospital (Villejuif, France) and INSERM/Gustave Roussy/Paris Saclay research unit U1030 (Molecular Radiotherapy and Innovative Therapeutics).