Markus Stock, Austria
Alessandra Bolsi, Switzerland
- Consolidate existing knowledge
Gather and synthesize information on current clinical experience, guidelines and research related to IGPT to establish a comprehensive understanding of its principles and applications.
- Identify clinical practice parameters and patterns
Systematically identify clinical practice parameters and patterns regarding IGPT, aiming to standardise treatment protocols, optimise workflows and provide excellence in patient care across institutions.
- Develop evidence-based consensus guidelines
Systematically collect and review available evidence to formulate evidence-based recommendations for the minimum clinical and technical requirements for IGPT in different cancer types, treatment settings and patient populations.
- Facilitate collaborative research
Stimulate collaboration among researchers and institutions to conduct high-quality multicentric studies aimed at advancing the understanding and refining the practice of IGPT, with the aim to standardise treatment protocols, optimise workflows and improve treatment outcomes.
- Promote education and awareness
Foster education and awareness among all professional sub-disciplines about the appropriate utilisation of IGPT through the organisation of the annual workshop and the dissemination of practice patterns and consensus guidelines.
The “Image Guidance” work package has the following body-site specific sub-working groups (in alphabetical order):
- Abdominal tumours
Sub-working group Leader: Markus Stock (AT)
- Brain tumours
Sub-working group Leaders: Iuliana Toma-Dasu (SE), Dante Amelio (IT)
- CSI tumours
Sub-working group Leaders: Petra Trnková (CZ), Alessandra Bolsi (CH)
- Extremity tumours
Sub-working group Leaders: Lorenzo Placidi (IT), Alessandra Bolsi (CH), Juliette Thariat (FR)
- Head and neck tumours
Sub-working group Leader: Juliette Thariat (IT)
- Pelvic tumours
Sub-working group Leaders: Markus Stock (AT), Christian Reschl (AT)
- Thoracic tumours
Sub-working group Leader: Alexandru Dasu (SE)
- Comprehensive evaluation of inter- and intrafraction accuracy of immobilization devices used for image-guided particle radiation therapy: a multicenter study
Study Managers: Amelio Dante (IT), Daniele Scartoni (IT)
Description: here
The “Image Guidance” work package organises an annual event to discuss ongoing activities related to the aforementioned aims of the work package.
2025: Maastro, Maastricht (NL) - EPTN WP2/WP4-EURADOS Joint workshop
Part 1: Workshop on Out-of-field Dosimetry in Proton Therapy: Translation to Clinical Practice with a Focus on Pregnant Patients (21 February; online)
Part 2: Workshop on Out-of-field Dosimetry in Proton Therapy: Translation to Clinical Practice with a Focus on Pregnant Patients (10 and 11 March; live in Maastricht)
2024: HollandPTC, Delft (NL) - Progress report
2023: Skandionkliniken, Uppsala (SE) - Progress Report 2023
2022: MedAustron, Wiener Neustadt (AT) - Progress Report 2022
2021: virtual meeting
2020: virtual meeting - Progress Report 2020
2019: Centro di Protonterapia, Trento (IT) - Progress Report 2019
2018: Proton Therapy Center Czech, Prague (CZ) - Progress Report 2018
2017: University ProtonTherapy Dresden, Dresden (DE) - Progress Report 2017
2016 : Progress Report 2016
- Abstract presentation at PTCOG63
Image Guided Proton Therapy of Head and Neck Tumours, Practise Survey of the EPTN WP4
- Thariat P, Louwe R, Bäumer C, Baker C, Comi S, Goedgebeur A, Jensen K, Kedzierska-Pardel D, Lowe M, Pisciotta P, Troost E, Vallhagen Dahlgren C, Vidal M, Vitek P, Widesott L, Hoffmann A, Bolsi A.
- Publications
- Trnková P, Dasu A, Placidi L, Stock M, Toma-Dasu I, Brouwer CL, Gosling A, Jouglar E, Kristensen I, Martin V, Moinuddin S, Pasquie I, Peters S, Pica A, Plaude S, Righetto R, Rombi B, Thariat J, van der Weide H, Hoffmann A, Bolsi A. Patterns of practice of image guided particle therapy for cranio-spinal irradiation: A site specific multi-institutional survey of European Particle Therapy Network. Physica Medica 2024; 123: 103407. doi: 10.1016/j.ejmp.2024.103407
- Bolsi A, Peroni M, Amelio D, Dasu A, Stock M, Toma-Dasu I, Nyström PW, Hoffmann A. Practice patterns of image guided particle therapy in Europe: A 2016 survey of the European Particle Therapy Network (EPTN). Radiother Oncol 2018; 128(1): 4-8. doi: 10.1016/j.radonc.2018.03.017.