9068 Results

Journal Article

Skin dose calculation during radiotherapy of head and neck cancer using deformable image registration of planning and mega-voltage computed tomography scans

Authors: Marco Branchini, Sara Broggi, Italo Dell'Oca, Giovanni Mauro Cattaneo, Riccardo Calandrino, Nadia Gisella Di Muzio, Claudio Fiorino


How to QA tumor tracking in the clinic? Equipment and patient specific aspects

Authors: Colien Hazelaar

Journal Article

Elective nodal radiotherapy with a gapless radiation field junction for oligorecurrent prostate cancer after previous radiotherapy

Authors: Minglun Li, Yourong Fan, Christian Trapp, Nina Sophie Schmidt-Hegemann, Jing Ma, Alexander Buchner, Shun Lu, Bin Xu, Christian Stief, Xuanbin Wang, Cheng Zhou, Claus Belka, Paul Rogowski

Journal Article

Excellent treatment outcomes from low dose radiation therapy for primary cutaneous CD4+ small/medium T-Cell lymphoproliferative disorder

Authors: Jennifer Ward, H. Miles Prince, Chris McCormack, Stephen Lade, Odette Buelens, Carrie van der Weyden, Friyana Bhabha, Belinda A. Campbell

Congress Abstract

Preventing Radioinduced Injury by Topical Application of an Amifostine Metabolite-Loaded Thermogel

Authors: CLÉMENSON|, Céline(1)*[celine.clemenson@gustaveroussy.fr];Liu|, Winchygn(1);Bricout|, Denis(2);Soyez-Herkert|, Loren(1);Chargari|, Cyrus(3);Mondini|, Michele(1);Haddad|, Raphaël(2);Wang-Zang|, Xiuping(2);Benel|, Laurent(2);Bloy|, Christian(2);Deutsch|, Eric(4);
(1)Gustave Roussy, Inserm U1030, Villejuif, France;(2)CleveXel Pharma, Life Science, Paris, France;(3)Gustave Roussy, Radiotherapy Department, Villejuif, France;(4)Gustave Roussy, Inserm U1030 and Radiotherapy Department, Villejuif, France;
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Journal Article

The influence of tissue composition uncertainty on dose distributions in brachytherapy

Authors: Dylan Mann-Krzisnik, Frank Verhaegen, Shirin A. Enger

Congress Abstract

Segmentation of the heart using a Residual U-net model

Authors: Fernandes|, Miguel(1)*[miguel.fernandes@radboudumc.nl];Teuwen|, Jonas(2);Wijsman|, Robin (3);Stam|, Barbara(4);Moriakov|, Nikita(2);Bussink|, Jan(1);Monshouwer|, René(1);
(1)UMC St Radboud Nijmegen, Radiation Oncology, Nijmegen, The Netherlands;(2)UMC St Radboud Nijmegen, Radiology, Nijmegen, The Netherlands;(3)UMC Groningen, Oncology, Groningen, The Netherlands;(4)Netherlands Cancer Institute, Radiotherapy, Amsterdam, The Netherlands;
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Congress Abstract

Dose Response characteristics and ghosting effect analysis for 3D EPID in-vivo dosimetry system



1Hacettepe University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Radiation Oncology, Ankara, Turkey

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Journal Article

Development and validation of a contouring guideline for the taste bud bearing tongue mucosa

Authors: Sonja Stieb, Abdallah S.R. Mohamed, Renjie He, Lin L. Zhu, Brigid A. McDonald, Kareem Wahid, Lisanne V. van Dijk, Juan Ventura, Sara Ahmed, Lance McCoy, Tanaya S. Deshpande, Stephen Grant, Jay P. Reddy, Jack Phan, Adam S. Garden, David I. Rosenthal, Steven J. Frank, G. Brandon Gunn, C. David Fuller

Journal Article

Dose to mass for evaluation and optimization of lung cancer radiation therapy

Authors: William Tyler Watkins, Joseph A. Moore, Geoffrey D. Hugo, Jeffrey V. Siebers