9068 Results

Congress Abstract

Regression models for predicting plan parameters of two kinds of hybrid plans for stage III NSCLC


Hao Wang1

1Shanghai Chest Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Radiotherapy Department, Shanghai, China

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Journal Article

DAHANCA 10 – Effect of darbepoetin alfa and radiotherapy in the treatment of squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck. A multicenter, open-label, randomized, phase 3 trial by the Danish head and neck cancer group

Authors: Jens Overgaard, Camilla Molich Hoff, Hanne Sand Hansen, Lena Specht, Marie Overgaard, Pernille Lassen, Elo Andersen, Jørgen Johansen, Lisbeth Juhler Andersen, Jan Folkvard Evensen, Jan Alsner, Cai Grau

Journal Article

Time to treatment as a quality metric in lung cancer: Staging studies, time to treatment, and patient survival

Authors: Daniel R. Gomez, Kai-Ping Liao, Stephen G. Swisher, George R. Blumenschein, Jeremy J. Erasmus, Thomas A. Buchholz, Sharon H. Giordano, Benjamin D. Smith

Journal Article

Single fraction conventional external beam radiation therapy for bone metastases: A systematic review of randomised controlled trials

Authors: Kristopher Dennis, Leila Makhani, Liang Zeng, Henry Lam, Edward Chow

Congress Abstract

Virtual Tangential Arc Therapy (ViTAT): toward large scale auto-planning for breast cancer treatment

Authors: Esposito|, Pier Giorgio(1)[esposito.piergiorgio@hsr.it];Castriconi|, Roberta(1)*;Mangili|, Paola(1);Fodor|, Andrei(2);Pasetti|, Marcella(2);Di Muzio|, Nadia Gisella(2);Fiorino|, Claudio(1);Calandrino|, Riccardo(1);
(1)IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele, Medical Physics, Milano, Italy;(2)IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele, Radiotherapy, Milano, Italy;
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Journal Article

The impact of organ motion and the appliance of mitigation strategies on the effectiveness of hypoxia-guided proton therapy for non-small cell lung cancer

Authors: Andreas Köthe, Antony John Lomax, Anna Chiara Giovannelli, Sairos Safai, Nicola Bizzocchi, Erik Roelofs, Aniek J.G. Even, Damien Charles Weber, Giovanni Fattori

Congress Abstract

Fiducial motion relative to tumor bed in partial breast irradiation and risk of geographical miss


Nienke Hoekstra1, Steven Habraken1, Annemarie Swaak - Kragten1, Jean-Phillipe Pignol2, Mischa Hoogeman1

1Erasmus MC Cancer Institute, Radiotherapy, Rotterdam, The Netherlands; 2Dalhousie University, Radiotherapy, Halifax, Canada

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Congress Abstract

Evolution of the tumour extent during long course radiotherapy for glioblastoma patients

Authors: DAHLROT|, Rikke(1,2)*[rikke.dahlrot@rsyd.dk];Axelsen|, Brit (3);Klüver-Kristensen|, Mette(3);Mahmood|, Faisal(2,3);Asmussen|, Jon Thor (4);Hansen|, Olfred(1,2);Bertelsen|, Anders(3);Hansen|, Steinbjørn(1,2);Brink|, Carsten(2,3);Bernchou|, Uffe(2,3);
(1)Odense University Hospital, Department of Oncology, Odense C, Denmark;(2)University of Southern Denmark, Department of Clinical Research, Odense, Denmark;(3)Odense University Hospital, Laboratory of Radiation Physics, Odense C, Denmark;(4)Odense University Hospital, Department of Radiology, Odense C, Denmark;
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Congress Abstract


Authors: Rodríguez|, Elisabet(1,2);Gomez|, Junior(1);Moreno|, Alazne (2);ACOSTA|, Johana(1)*[johanacacostaa@gmail.com];Torres|, Laura (1);Trilla|, Jordi(1);López|, Yolanda (1);Baiges|, Gerard(2);Hernández|, Anna(2);Camps|, Jordi(2);Joven|, Jorge(2);Arenas|, Meritxell(1,2);
(1)Hospital Universitari Sant Joan de Reus, Department of Radiation Oncology, Reus, Spain;(2)Institut d’Investigació Sanitària Pere Virgili- Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Unitat de Recerca Biomèdica, Reus, Spain;
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Congress Abstract

Tumour volume as prognostic factor for recurrent head and neck cancers treated with re-irradiation


Parveen Ahlawat1, Munish Gairola2, Sarthak Tandon1, Sandeep Purohit1, Nishtha Sachdeva1, Muhammed Ismail Sharief1, Tulika Singh1, Kiran Dobriyal1, Athira Krishnan1

1Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute and Research Centre, New Delhi, Radiation Oncology, New Delhi, India; 2Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute and Research Centre, New Delhi, Radiation Oncology, Delhi, India

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