9068 Results

Journal Article

Oxygen-enhanced MRI and radiotherapy in patients with oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma

Authors: Emma Bluemke, Ambre Bertrand, Kwun-Ye Chu, Nigar Syed, Andrew G. Murchison, Rosie Cooke, Tessa Greenhalgh, Brian Burns, Martin Craig, Nia Taylor, Ketan Shah, Fergus Gleeson, Daniel Bulte

Journal Article

Robustness of radiomic features in magnetic resonance imaging for patients with glioblastoma: Multi-center study

Authors: Natalia Saltybaeva, Stephanie Tanadini-Lang, Diem Vuong, Simon Burgermeister, Michael Mayinger, Andrea Bink, Nicolaus Andratschke, Matthias Guckenberger, Marta Bogowicz

Congress Abstract

Patient-reported outcomes following a high-dose rate brachytherapy boost for prostate cancer.

Authors: PARRY|, Matthew(1)*[mparry@rcseng.ac.uk];Nossiter|, Julie(2);Cowling|, Thomas(1);Sujenthiran|, Arunan(2);Berry|, Brendan(1);Cathcart|, Paul(3);Clarke|, Noel(4);Payne|, Noel(5);van der Meulen|, Jan(1);Aggarwal|, Ajay(6);
(1)London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Department of Health Services Research and Policy, London, United Kingdom;(2)The Royal College of Surgeons of England, Clinical Effectiveness Unit, London, United Kingdom;(3)Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, Department of Urology, London, United Kingdom;(4)The Christie and Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trusts, Department of Urology, Salford, United Kingdom;(5)University College London Hospitals, Department of Oncology, London, United Kingdom;(6)King’s College London, Department of Cancer Epidemiology- Population- and Global Health, London, United Kingdom;
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Journal Article

Variable and fixed costs in NHS radiotherapy; consequences for increasing hypo fractionation

Authors: Katie Spencer, Noemie Defourny, David Tunstall, Viv Cosgrove, Karen Kirkby, Ann Henry, Yolande Lievens, Peter Hall

Journal Article

Cone beam CT based dose calculation in the thorax region

Authors: Laura Patricia Kaplan, Ulrik Vindelev Elstrøm, Ditte Sloth Møller, Lone Hoffmann

Congress Abstract

4-miRNA signature and MGMT promoter methylation improve risk stratification in glioblastoma.

Authors: Unger|, Kristian(1,2,3)*[unger@helmholtz-muenchen.de];Fleischmann|, Daniel F.(2,4,5);Ruf|, Viktoria(6);Felsberg|, Jörg(7,8);Piehlmaier|, Daniel(1);Samaga|, Daniel(1);Heß|, Julia(1,2,3);Mittelbronn|, Michel(9,10,11,12);Lauber|, Kirsten(2,3,5);Budach|, Wilfried(13);Sabel|, Michael(14);Rödel|, Claus(15);Reifenberger|, Guido(7,8);Herms|, Jochen(6);Tonn|, Jörg-Christian(16);Zitzelsberger|, Horst(1,2,3);Belka|, Claus(2,3,5);Niyazi|, Maximilian(2,5);
(1)Helmholtz Zentrum Muenchen - German Research Center for Environmental Health, Research Unit Radiation Cytogenetics, Neuherberg, Germany;(2)University Hospital- LMU Munich, Department of Radiation Oncology, Munich, Germany;(3)Helmholtz Zentrum München- German Research Center for Environmental Health GmbH, Clinical Cooperation Group “Personalized Radiotherapy in Head and Neck Cancer”, Neuherberg, Germany;(4)DKFZ, German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg, Germany;(5)German Cancer Consortium DKTK, Partner Site Munich, Munich, Germany;(6)LMU Munich, Center for Neuropathology and Prion Research, Munich, Germany;(7)University Hospital Düsseldorf UKD- Heinrich Heine University, Institute for Neuropathology, Düsseldorf, Germany;(8)German Cancer Consortium DKTK, Partner Site Essen/Düsseldorf, Essen/Düsseldorf, Germany;(9)Laboratoire National de Santé LNS, National Center of Pathology NCP, Dudelange, Luxembourg;(10)Luxembourg Institute of Health LIH, Luxembourg Center of Neuropathology LCNP, Luxembourg, Luxembourg;(11)Luxembourg Institute of Health LIH, Department of Oncology, Luxembourg, Luxembourg;(12)University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine LCSB, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg;(13)University Hospital Düsseldorf UKD- Heinrich Heine University, Department of Radiotherapy and Radiation Oncology, Düsseldorf, Germany;(14)University Hospital Düsseldorf UKD- Heinrich Heine University, Department of Neurosurgery, Düsseldorf, Germany;(15)University Hospital Frankfurt, Department of Radiation Oncology, Frankfurt, Germany;(16)University Hospital- LMU Munich, Department of Neurosurgery, Munich, Germany;
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Journal Article

The role of alexithymia and empathy on radiation therapists’ professional quality of life

Authors: Pierfrancesco Franco, Valentina Tesio, Jenny Bertholet, Anne Gasnier, Elisabet Gonzalez del Portillo, Mateusz Spalek, Jean-Emmanuel Bibault, Gerben Borst, Wouter Van Elmpt, Daniela Thorwarth, Laura Mullaney, Kathrine Røe Redalen, Ludwig Dubois, Cyrus Chargari, Sophie Perryck, Jolien Heukelom, Steven Petit, Myriam Lybeer, Lorys Castelli