9068 Results

Congress Abstract

Geometrical study of the feasibility of fiducial-less lymph node SBRT with Cyberknife


David Sevillano1, Carolina de la Pinta2, Angela Fonseca2, Juan David Garcia-Fuentes1, Rafael Colmenares1, Belén Capuz1, Rafael Morís1, Miguel Cámara1, Felipe Orozco1, Pedro Retorta1, Pablo Galiano1, M Jose Béjar1, Daniel Prieto1, Feliciano García-Vicente1

1H. U. Ramón y Cajal, Medical Physics, Madrid, Spain; 2H. U. Ramón y Cajal, Radiation Oncology, Madrid, Spain

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Journal Article

ESTRO IORT Task Force/ACROP recommendations for intraoperative radiation therapy in unresected pancreatic cancer

Authors: Felipe A. Calvo, Marco Krengli, Jose M. Asencio, Javier Serrano, Philip Poortmans, Falk Roeder, Robert Krempien, Frank W. Hensley

Congress Abstract

Heart dose constraints do not predict for cardiac death in radiotherapy for lung cancer

Authors: Banfill|, Kathryn(1)*[kathryn.banfill@manchester.ac.uk];McWilliam|, Alan(1);Abravan|, Azadeh(1);Sun|, Fei(2);Franks|, Kevin(2);van Herk|, Marcel(1);Faivre-Finn|, Corinne(1);
(1)University of Manchester, Division of Cancer Sciences, Manchester, United Kingdom;(2)Leeds Cancer Centre, Clinical Oncology, Leeds, United Kingdom;
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Journal Article

Can patient-reported outcomes be used instead of clinician-reported outcomes and photographs as primary endpoints of late normal tissue effects in breast radiotherapy trials? Results from the IMPORT LOW trial

Authors: Indrani S. Bhattacharya, Joanne S. Haviland, Penelope Hopwood, Charlotte E. Coles, John R. Yarnold, Judith M. Bliss, Anna M. Kirby

Congress Abstract

Primary Bladder Sarcoma: a multi-institutional experience from the Rare Cancer Network.

Authors: BETTOLI|, Piero(1)*[pierobettoli@gmail.com];Liu|, ZhihuiAmy(1);Jara|, Natalia(2);Fong|, Chin Heng(1);Wong|, William(3);Terlizzi|, Mario(4);Sargos|, Paul(4);Zillie|, Thomas(5);Thariat|, Juliette(6);Ploussard|, Guillaume(7);Goyal|, Sharad(8);Chung|, Peter(1);Berlin|, Alejandro(1);Sole|, Claudio(2);
(1)Princess Margaret Hospital, Radiation Oncology, toronto, Canada;(2)IRAM, Radiation Oncology, Santiago, Chile;(3)Mayo Clinic, Radiation Oncology, Rochester, USA;(4)Institute Bergonie, radiation Oncology, Bordeaux, France;(5)Hospitaux Universiaires de Geneve, Radiation Oncology, Geneve, Switzerland;(6)Centre Francoise Baclese, Radiation Oncology, Caen, France;(7)La Croix du Sud Hospital, Radiation Oncology, Toulouse, France;(8)George Washington University Hospital, Radiation Oncology, Washington DC, USA;
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Journal Article

CT and FDG-PET radiologic biomarkers in p16+ oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma patients treated with definitive chemoradiotherapy

Authors: Benjamin S. Rosen, Joel R. Wilkie, Yilun Sun, Mohannad Ibrahim, Keith A. Casper, Jessa E. Miller, Thong Chotchutipan, Chaz L. Stucken, Carol Bradford, Mark E.P. Prince, Andrew J. Rosko, Kelly M. Malloy, Scott A. McLean, Steven B. Chinn, Andrew G. Shuman, Matthew E. Spector, Paul L. Swiecicki, Francis P. Worden, Jennifer L. Shah, Caitlin A. Schonewolf, Christina H. Chapman, Avraham Eisbruch, Michelle L. Mierzwa

Journal Article

Mature results from a Swedish comparison study of conventional versus accelerated radiotherapy in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma – The ARTSCAN trial

Authors: Björn Zackrisson, Elisabeth Kjellén, Karin Söderström, Eva Brun, Jan Nyman, Signe Friesland, Johan Reizenstein, Helena Sjödin, Lars Ekberg, Britta Lödén, Lars Franzén, Anders Ask, Gun Wickart-Johansson, Freddi Lewin, Thomas Björk-Eriksson, Erik Lundin, Tina Dalianis, Johan Wennerberg, Karl-Axel Johansson, Per Nilsson

Congress Abstract

Dosimetric and clinical outcome in image guided interstitial brachytherapy for cervical stump cancer


Florent GUILLEMIN1, Pascal POMMIER2, Anne-Agathe SERRE2, Frédéric GASSA2, Nathalie SANDT2, Frédéric LAFAY2

1Centre Jean Perrin, Radiotherapy, Clermont-Ferrand, France; 2Centre Léon Bérard, Radiotherapy, Lyon, France

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Congress Abstract

4-year PSA to predict relapse risk after low dose rate brachytherapy for prostate cancer


David Noble1, Emma Doyle1, Giovanni Tramonti2, Alastair Law1, Aravind Sundaramurthy1, John Brush3, Julian Keanie3, Christopher Wood4, Paul Drewell4, William Keough4, Duncan McLaren1

1Edinburgh Cancer Centre, Department of Clinical Oncology, Edinburgh, United Kingdom; 2Edinburgh Cancer Research Centre, MRC Institute of Genetics and Molecular Medicine, Edinburgh, United Kingdom; 3Western General Hospital, Department of Radiology, Edinburgh, United Kingdom; 4Western General Hospital, Department of Oncology Physics, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

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Congress Abstract

The impact of the Covid-19 on the management of H&N cancer patients at a tertiary care institution


Mateusz Szewczyk1, Wojciech Golusiński2

1Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Head and Neck Surgery, Poznań, Poland; 2Poznań University of Medical Sciences, Head and Neck Surgery, Poznań, Poland

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