9068 Results

Congress Abstract

Salvage radiotherapy of prostate cancer: a risk stratification system based on prognostic factors


Silvia Bisello1,2, Alessandra Arcelli1,2, Francesco Deodato3,4, Naama Dominsky2, Giuseppe Tarantino2,5, Maria Ntreta1, Savino Cilla6, Giambattista Siepe1, Letizia Cavallini1,2, Donato Pezzulla3, Anna Rita Alitto7,8, Alessia Re3, Silvia Cammelli1,2, Annalisa Cortesi9, Antonino Romeo9, Giovanni Piero Frezza10, Alessio Giuseppe Morganti1,2, Gabriella Macchia3, Milly Buwenge1,2

1Radiation Oncology, IRCCS Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Bologna, Bologna, Italy; 2Department of Experimental, Diagnostic, and Specialty Medicine - DIMES, Alma Mater Studiorum Bologna University, Bologna, Italy; 3Radiation Oncology Unit, Gemelli Molise Hospital – Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Campobasso, Italy; 4Istituto di Radiologia, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Roma, Italy; 5Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA; 6Medical Physics Unit, Gemelli Molise Hospital – Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Campobasso, Italy; 7Istituto di Radiologia, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Roma, Italy; 8Fondazione Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli, IRCCS, UOC di Radioterapia, Dipartimento di Scienze Radiologiche, Radioterapiche ed Ematologiche, Roma, Italy; 9Radiotherapy Unit, IRCCS Istituto Romagnolo per lo Studio dei Tumori (IRST) "Dino Amadori", Meldola, Italy; 10Radiotherapy Department, Ospedale Bellaria, Bologna, Italy

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Congress Abstract

Assessment of set up accuracy using an evacuated cushion for Proton Beam Therapy

Authors: Roberts|, David(1)*[davidjroberts01@gmail.com];Foden|, Philip(2);Elliff|, Laura(1);Allen|, Kamal(3);Lowe|, Mathew(4);Eccles|, Cynthia(3);
(1)The Christie NHS Foundation Trust, Proton Therapy, Manchester, United Kingdom;(2)The Christie NHS Foundation Trust, Proton Clinical Outcomes Unit, Manchester, United Kingdom;(3)The Christie NHS Foundation Trust, Radiotherapy Department, Manchester, United Kingdom;(4)The Christie NHS FoundationTrust, Medical Physics and Engineering, Manchester, United Kingdom;
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Journal Article

Disease outcome and associated factors after definitive platinum based chemoradiotherapy for advanced stage HPV-negative head and neck cancer

Authors: Reinout H. de Roest, Martijn van der Heijden, Frederik W.R. Wesseling, Emma J. de Ruiter, Martijn W. Heymans, Chris Terhaard, Marije R. Vergeer, Jan Buter, Lot A. Devriese, Jan Paul de Boer, Arash Navran, Ann Hoeben, Conchita Vens, Michiel van den Brekel, Ruud H. Brakenhoff, C. René Leemans, Frank Hoebers

Journal Article

PSMA-11-PET/CT versus choline-PET/CT to guide stereotactic ablative radiotherapy for androgen deprivation therapy deferral in patients with oligometastatic prostate cancer

Authors: Charlotte L. Deijen, Gerbert L. Vrijenhoek, Eva E. Schaake, Wouter V. Vogel, Luc M.F. Moonen, Floris J. Pos, Henk G. van der Poel, Gerben R. Borst

Journal Article

Prospective longitudinal patient-reported outcomes of swallowing following intensity modulated proton therapy for oropharyngeal cancer

Authors: Stephen R. Grant, Katherine A. Hutcheson, Rong Ye, Adam S. Garden, William H. Morrison, David I. Rosenthal, G. Brandon Gunn, C. David Fuller, Jack Phan, Jay P. Reddy, Amy C. Moreno, Jan S. Lewin, Erich M. Sturgis, Renata Ferrarotto, Steven J. Frank

Congress Abstract

Quality and efficiency of automated organ at risk delineation on MRI in the brain


Jeroen Crouzen1, Jaap Zindler1, Ruud Wiggenraad1, Mirjam Mast1, Soufyan Lemmouy1, Christa Gadellaa-van Hooijdonk1, Saskia van Geen1, Stefan Hutschemaekers2, Mandy Kiderlen1, Jenka Roos1, Steven de Vet1, Noëlle van der Voort van Zyp1, Anna Petoukhova1

1Haaglanden Medisch Centrum, Radiotherapy, The Hague, The Netherlands; 2Holland Proton Therapy Center, Radiotherapy, Delft, The Netherlands

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Congress Abstract

CBCT-to-CT synthesis with a single neural network for head-and-neck, lung and breast radiotherapy

Authors: Maspero|, Matteo(1)*[m.maspero@umcutrecht.nl];Houweling|, Antonetta C(1);Savenije|, Mark H F(1);van Heijst|, Tristan C F(1);Verhoeff|, Joost J C(1);Kotte|, Alexis N T(1);van den Berg|, Cornelis A T(1);
(1)UMC Utrecht, Radiation Oncology, Utrecht, The Netherlands;
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Journal Article

Injection of radiopaque hydrogel at time of lumpectomy improves the target definition for adjuvant radiotherapy

Authors: Gerson M. Struik, Nienke Hoekstra, Taco M. Klem, Ali Ghandi, Gerda M. Verduijn, Annemarie T. Swaak-Kragten, Alja Schoonbeek, Kim C. de Vries, Margriet A. Sattler, Kees Verhoef, Erwin Birnie, Jean-Philippe Pignol

Journal Article

A clinical distance measure for evaluating treatment plan quality difference with Pareto fronts in radiotherapy

Authors: Kristoffer Petersson, Archonteia Kyroudi, Jean Bourhis, Crister Ceberg, Tommy Knöös, François Bochud, Raphaël Moeckli