Blended learning a style of education in which students learn via electronic and online media as well as traditional face-to-face teaching.

FALCON is an educational ESTRO project devoted to improve the homogeneity in contouring among radiation oncologists and to compare individual contours with endorsed guidelines or expert opinions.

Have a look at the ESTRO Courses.

The ESTRO School is always open to new opportunities to collaborate on contouring projects involving Falcon EduCase with national societies, institutions, research groups or individuals.  For further information click here.

Have a look at the ESTRO Courses.

The main knowledge reference structures for the educational activities of the ESTRO School are the ESTRO Core Curricula. Their main aim is to harmonise the training of radiation oncology professionals in Europe, to facilitate mobility between EU member states, to reflect the rapid development of the professions and to secure the best evidence-based education across Europe. It is recommended that the authorities in charge of the respective training programmes throughout Europe harmonise their own curricula according to this common framework.

The European Core Curricula are updated on a regular basis. ESTRO takes the initiative and collaborates for the revision with the National Societies for professionals in radiation oncology, young professionals that are still in training and other delegates from appropriate organisations and bodies. It is the responsibility of the ESTRO School to make sure that the ESTRO educational programme covers these curricula comprehensively with appropriate educational activities.

ESTRO has 3 recommended Core Curricula, for each of the main disciplines active in radiation oncology:

Since 1958, the European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS) has promoted the free movement of European medical specialists whilst ensuring the highest quality of medical care for European citizens.  UEMS works through 37 Specialist Sections and European Boards from 35 countries. UEMS has developed standards and policies in the key specialist areas of postgraduate training, continuing medical education and professional development and quality assurance in specialist practice

Within UEMS, the European board of Radiotherapy (Radiotherapy Section of the UEMS) is the monitoring authority for training of radiation oncology (radiotherapy) in the EU. They revise and update the Charter on Training of Medical Specialists in the EU, Requirements for the Specialty  Radiation Oncology (Radiotherapy), based on an integrated part of the “Recommended ESTRO Core Curriculum for Radiation Oncologists/ Radiotherapists.  

All ESTRO educational activities meet European quality standards.

All our programmes are accredited by ACOE (Accreditation Council of Oncology in Europe). ACOE accreditation is endorsed by EACCME, the European Accreditation Council for Continuous Medical Education - an institution of the European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS), by the American Medical Association (AMA) or by the European Board for Accreditation in Medical Physics (EBAMP).

More information about those accreditation bodies here.

Educating a large group of professionals puts pressure on sustaining the quality of the education delivered per se. In 2014, an audit of the ESTRO School, following the World Federation of Medical Education (WFME) standards, was carried out. It showed that the planning, organisation and structure of the ESTRO School met the standards, but improvement was needed regarding faculty training and assessment of the educational programmes. In 2016, the ESTRO pedagogical programme was launched to support the School faculties in their educational activities and in the development of new approaches to teaching and learning methods, assessment techniques and educational management.

To support the ESTRO School and faculties, a pool of people interested in pedagogics is being built up through participation to the international meeting of the Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE). This group of young professionals is involved in:

  • The organisation of dedicated workshops for ESTRO directors, teachers and tutors to facilitate the delivery of active, effective and innovative teaching.

  • Assessment projects regarding the retention of knowledge and skills.

  • The introduction and implementation of tools and applications for blended learning.

Educational Travel Grants

If you want to visit another institute to learn about or gain experience with a technique, equipment or its application that is not easily available in your institute and which would be useful to you and your department, then please apply for an ESTRO Travel Grant, the so-called "Educational Travel Grants" (ETG).

Per year a budget of €30k is made available for short study visits (1 to 3 weeks) to centres of excellence in Europe or outside. There is 1 application deadline per year in the Fall. The deadline this year is Thursday 31 October 2024.

Please have a look at the:

Selection Criteria

Past mobility grants reports

Application Procedure

Before submitting your application for 2024 ETG Grants, make sure your membership for 2024 is in order.  

And to help you complete a successful application, please find here some guidelines.

To apply for an ESTRO Mobility Grant 4 documents are required:

  1. Your CV (if you are a group make sure to provide one PDF file with all CVs included)
  2. A letter of agreement from your department head, supporting the project and visit.
  3. A letter from the hosting department head, stating acceptance and support of the project and visit.
  4. An Application FORM where an estimate of the expected expenses, accommodation costs and a per diem appropriate for the venue/country visited can be indicated. In the application form, a short, very clear description of your project & the aim of your visit to another department has to be mentioned and provided.

Send your completed application here

Outcomes from the review committee will be communicated as soon as the selection process has been finalised. 

Good luck with your applications!


An initiative of the GEC ESTRO education task force

Endorsed by the ESTRO Education Council


We offer:

A Brachytherapy Fellowship training in centers of excellence (as defined in the GEC ESTRO document):

  • One specialty Fellowship of at least 6 months (one organ site and one center)
  • Multiple organ site specialty Fellowship (different organ sites and varied treatment centers): 1-2 years

Requirements for applicants to be considered for the programme:

  • To have successfully graduated a radiation/clinical oncology residency or to be in the last year(s) of training
  • To have shown interest in BT (letter of recommendation, interview)
  • To be proficient in English; knowledge of the language of the training site is a bonus
  • Aim: at least 1-2 fellows to be trained per year