The late-breaking abstract submission for ESTRO 2021 opened on 19 April 2021. The submission deadline is 5 May 2021 (23.59 HRS CET). Abstracts must be submitted online on the ESTRO website at
You can submit your late-breaking abstract HERE.
We highly recommend completing your submission early, otherwise authors may experience technical delays due to server overload.
For questions regarding the online submission process, please e-mail
- The work and/or update must be novel, ground-breaking, of high significance, evidence-based and with scientific merit.
- The work and/or update must be original and not previously published or presented at any other scientific meeting.
- The abstract must present timely findings which were not available at the time of the deadline (8 March 2021). The late-breaking abstract deadline is not intended to be a second deadline for abstract submissions
- A limited number of late-breaking abstracts will be accepted.
- Submissions will be accepted for oral presentation only.
With the submission of a late-breaking abstract for ESTRO 2021, the submitting (presenting) author:
- Accepts responsibility for the accuracy of the abstract and confirms that all authors are aware of the content before submission
- Accepts to be the contact person for all correspondence related to the abstract and to inform the co-authors about its status
- Accepts to declare any financial interest in products or processes described in the abstract. This includes stock ownership, membership on any advisory boards, commercially-sponsored research or any other substantial relationships
- Certifies that the information reported is for exclusive presentation in the session to which the abstract will be assigned if accepted, and that the information will not be presented as such at any commercially-sponsored satellite symposia during the conference.
- Abstracts are embargoed until 1 month prior to the congress, at which point the abstract book is published online and abstracts are included in the searchable programme. Should you wish for an abstract to be embargoed until the congress, please email by 16 May 2021.
Further notes:
- Please log in to the abstract submission site with the presenting author login details.
- Abstracts must be submitted and presented at the conference in English. The Scientific Programme Committee reserves the right to reject an abstract written in poor English.
- Abstracts will be anonymised before review to ensure fairness and eliminate possible bias. It is therefore strictly forbidden to include the authors’ names or institutions in the body of the abstracts.
- All late-breaking abstracts are submitted under the Clinical track are reviewed by clinicians and considered for the Clinical track of ESTRO 2021 only.
Further advice for submitters:
- Keywords: authors are required to list a keyword of their choice that best fits the content of the abstract.
- Title: abstract titles should be brief and reflect the content of the abstract. The title (maximum 100 characters) is important since it focuses attention (it is the “showcase” for the presentation). Do not use capital letters in the title except for words that are always capitalised and do not use non-standard abbreviations.
- Body of the abstract: abstracts should be structured in such a way as to include (1) Purpose/Objective; (2) Material/Methods; (3) Results; (4) Conclusion.
- The online abstract submission procedure: the online abstract submission system will not accept abstracts that exceed 3,000 characters (body of the abstract, including spaces).
- The use of standard abbreviations is desirable. A special or unusual abbreviation must be placed (in round brackets) after the first appearance of the word for which it stands.
- Table and image: with their submission, authors may include maximum 2 uploads (tables or images) in JPG or PNG formats. These uploads are not included in the number of allotted characters. The maximum pixel size of an image is 600(w) x 800 (h).
- Data table: authors may include one data table using the insert table icon (we advise not to copy-paste a table into the body of the abstract). The characters in a data table are included in the overall number of characters allowed.
- Equations: can be inserted in the text as images.
Editing of abstracts: Abstracts can be edited until the submission deadline of 5 May. Any changes to abstracts (including authors and affiliations) are not accepted after this date.
Abstracts submitted for presentation will be reviewed by the Scientific Programme Committee.
Abstract review criteria are based on the late-breaking nature of the abstract, clarity, supporting data, scientific rigour, potential significance, interest in the topic chosen and innovation or usefulness.
Work in progress: abstracts on research obviously not yet performed and results not yet obtained are be prohibited.
Encore abstracts: papers already presented in another meeting will not be considered, unless the previous audience is distinct from the ESTRO 2021 congress audience (e.g. national meetings).
Papers already accepted for publication will not be considered.
Notification of outcome of abstract submission will be sent early June 2021.
A notification email is sent to the email address of the author whose credentials were used to submit the abstract.
Presenting author registration: Presenting authors should register for the congress by 14 June 2021.