Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

ESTRO meets Asia 2024


August 23
11:30 - 12:35
Motion management
Proffered Papers
11:30 - 12:35
Shigekazu Fukuda, Japan
11:30 - 12:35
Emily Hewson, Australia
11:30 - 12:35
Automating the extraction of Radixact Synchrony performance data for quality improvement
11:30 - 12:35
Monte Carlo calculation of total skin electron therapy dose using whole-body photogrammetry models
11:30 - 12:35
Strategy to tackle uncertainty in breast VMAT: Robust optimization vs. Virtual bolus
11:30 - 12:35
Need of ITV margin for mediastinal tumours in patients treated with DIBH technique
11:30 - 12:35
Selection criteria and method for DIBH in patients with left breast cancer undergoing PORT/IMRT
11:30 - 12:35
Comparing proximal bronchial tree dose in lung SBRT with AIP and combined auto-segmented 4DCT phases
11:30 - 12:35
MRI-guided radiotherapy for focal boosting of T3b prostate cancer