Breur Award Lecture
The Breur Award is named after Prof. Klaas Breur one of the founding fathers of ESTRO. If he had not died prematurely in 1981, he would probably have become ESTRO's first president. Professor Breur was the head of the Radiotherapy Department of the Wilhelmina Ziekenhuis van Amsterdam (Universiteit van Amsterdam) and participated in founding the EORTC.
As a tribute to Professor Breur’s pioneering work, ESTRO created this annual “Gold Medal“ award lecture in his name. The Breur Award is the highest honour that can be conferred on an ESTRO member and is awarded in recognition of the major contribution made by the winner to European Radiotherapy.
The recipient of this prestigious award delivers a lecture during the Opening Ceremony of the ESTRO Congress.
Regaud Award
The Regaud Award is given in honour of Claudius Regaud. In 1911, Regaud described the principles of fractionation from his work on the testis and, in 1927, the need for quality and a multidisciplinary approach in cancer care. With Coutard, he introduced the principles of fractionation in clinical practice, a good example of translational research. "Observe and translate" was his message.
The recipient of this prestigious award delivers an award lecture at the ESTRO Congress.
van der Schueren Award
The Emmanuel van der Schueren Award is given in honour of the founding father of ESTRO and in recognition of excellent scientific work, enormous contribution within ESTRO to the field of education and promotion of radiation oncology as a discipline.
The recipient of this prestigious award delivers an award lecture at the ESTRO Congress.
Interdisciplinary Award
The Interdisciplinary Award is given to a radiotherapy professional who has made an outstanding contribution to a cause in radiotherapy beyond the scope of their specialty. This award celebrates the truly multidisciplinary nature of radiotherapy and the value of working as part of a team.
The recipient of this prestigious award delivers an award lecture at the ESTRO Congress.
Donal Hollywood Award
The Hollywood Award is given in the memory of ESTRO President-Elect Donal Hollywood, who passed away from cancer before taking on the duties of President. This annual award is given to the best abstract selected for presentation at an ESTRO congress.
The Scientific Programme Committee decides on the recipient of the award from all the submitted/accepted abstracts. Selection criteria are based on clarity, supporting data, scientific rigour, potential significance, interest in the topic chosen and innovation or usefulness, as well as translational work and interdisciplinarity.
The recipient of this prestigious award delivers an award lecture at the ESTRO Congress.
Jens Overgaard Legacy Award
The Jens Overgaard legacy award recognises his outstanding contribution to promoting scholarly science in radiation oncology during his 25-year tenure as Editor-in-Chief of Radiotherapy & Oncology.
The recipient of this prestigious award delivers an award lecture at the ESTRO Congress.
GEC-ESTRO Iridium 192 Award
The "GEC-ESTRO Iridium Award" is presented to the brachytherapist or physicist who, in the opinion of the GEC-ESTRO Committee members, has made a major contribution to the development of the Brachytherapy speciality.
The recipient of this prestigious award delivers an award lecture at the ESTRO Congress.
Lifetime Achievement Awards
The Lifetime Achievement Awards are awarded to an ESTRO member who is at the end of their active career and has contributed tremendously to ESTRO activities.
Honorary Members Awards
The Honorary Members Awards are awarded to outstanding scientific contributors in the field of oncology. The residence of the nominee is worldwide and not restricted to Europe.