Vienna, Austria

ESTRO 2023

Session Item

May 15
15:00 - 16:15
Re-irradiation - A curative treatment option: Indications and results
Michael Mayinger, Switzerland;
Vratislav Strnad, Germany
Re-irradiation is a promising treatment for a large number of patients with otherwise limited therapeutic options. In recent years, our understanding of the relationship between the dose of radiation, the volume of tissue being irradiated, and the potential for late effects has improved significantly. Still, the tolerance of normal tissue to re-irradiation is not well understood. Furthermore, high level prospective evidence on re-irradiation is lacking, especially with regards to safety, optimal selection of eligible patients and treatment modality. This session aims to explore data on (1) constraints, (2) possible advanced technical approaches as well as employing (3) EBRT and (4) brachytherapy for re-irradiation.
15:36 - 15:54
EBRT for re-irradiation: Concepts and results
Robert Rulach, United Kingdom


EBRT for re-irradiation: Concepts and results

Robert Rulach1

1The Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre, Clinical Oncology, Glasgow, United Kingdom

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Abstract Text

Re-irradiation is a treatment that is being increasingly offered to patients for several reasons. Outcomes from initial treatment have been improving increasing the chances of developing a second malignancy, surveillance protocols are more commonplace and the radiotherapy technology has developed such that re-irradiation can be offered with significant sparing of normal tissue. There is a growing body of evidence that some patients have durable tumour control after re-irradiation. However, it is a high risk treatment with significant uncertainties.

The key concepts of re-irradiation which will be discussed in this talk include radiosensitivity in recurrent disease, uncertainties of dose summation/dose constraints/re-treatment dose, and patients’ attitude to re-irradiation.

This talk will review the evidence that informs the current debate about these concepts and discuss future work to further the field.