Copenhagen, Denmark

ESTRO 2022

Session Item

May 09
12:45 - 14:15
Auditorium 15
Increasing the impact of your research
Daniel Portik, The Netherlands;
Ludwig Dubois, The Netherlands
How to increase the impact of your research? An important question that puzzles both young and more established researchers. During the yESTRO lunch symposium, some guides will be presented how to pitch your research, how to write a successful grant application and how and why to involve patients and public. In the “thinking out-of-the-box” sub-session, two experienced (implementation) researchers will enlighten us about the usefulness of other disciplines for your research projects.
Young lunch symposium + networking
13:51 - 14:13
Acing that grant application
Marta Bogowicz, The Netherlands


Acing that grant application

Marta Bogowicz1

1Department of Radiation Oncology (Maastro) , GROW School for Oncology, Maastricht University Medical Centre+, Maastricht, The Netherlands

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It is not easy to convince somebody to invest their money in you. It is no different for acquiring money for your research project. Writing a grant application is a long process, which requires knowledge and creativity, but also a lot of administrative work. Additionally, as a young researcher you need to convince the reviewers not only that your project is interesting and impactful, but also that you are the person they should invest in and this project is important for your career development. In this presentation, I will give some tips on: how to organize your work during application preparation; how to present your ideas in a convincing and structured way; and finally which mistakes to avoid.