Copenhagen, Denmark

ESTRO 2022

Session Item

May 09
14:15 - 15:30
Auditorium 11
Adapting to changes on different time scales
Jasper Nijkamp, Denmark;
Ye Zhang, Switzerland
14:15 - 14:33
Tracking, trailing and gating: How fast should "real-time" adaptation be?
Martin Fast, The Netherlands


Tracking, trailing and gating: How fast should "real-time" adaptation be?

Martin Fast1

1University Medical Center Utrecht, Radiotherapy, Utrecht, The Netherlands

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Abstract Text

Cardiorespiratory motion is an important source of uncertainty during thoracic and abdominal radiotherapy. Real-time motion mitigation techniques have the potential to minimize or eliminate the dosimetric effects of (residual) target motion during irradiation.  This talk will discuss the pros and cons of several real-time radiotherapy adaptation techniques such as tracking, trailing, gating and intra-fractional replanning. Practical examples will emphasize MRI-guided radiotherapy. The discussion will differentiate between the real-time requirements for respiratory adaptation and cardiac adaptation. Increasingly, treatment targets within or near the heart are considered for radioablation. Cardiac frequencies are typically four times higher compared to breathing frequencies and thus present a unique challenge for real-time imaging and treatment adaptation techniques.