Copenhagen, Denmark

ESTRO 2022

Session Item

May 08
14:15 - 15:30
Room D3
ESTRO-EORTC: Oligometastatic Disease
Morten Høyer, Denmark;
Piet Ost, Belgium
Joint Symposium
15:09 - 15:27
Going beyond clinical trials in the era of real world data
Catherine Fortpied, Belgium


Going beyond clinical trials in the era of real world data

Catherine Fortpied1

1EORTC, Biostatistics, Brussels, Belgium

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Abstract Text

In this talk, two currently ongoing EORTC studies in the OligoMetastatic research area will be used to discuss the differences, the advantages and limitations of prospective observational studies versus randomized controlled trials (RCT), from a methodological perspective :

•    EORTC-ESTRO E2-RADIatE - OligoCare: A pragmatic observational cohort study to evaluate radical radiotherapy for oligo-metastatic cancer patients,

•    EORTC OligoRare :  Stereotactic body radiotherapy in addition to standard of care treatment in patients with oligometastatic rare cancers: a randomized, phase 3, open-label trial.

Where traditional clinical trials may be difficult to conduct due to feasibility or ethical issues, combining real-world and clinical trial data can be valuable to generate evidence. We will present “pragmatic” study designs such as Registry-based RCTs or Cohort multiple RCTs (now known as TWICs).