Copenhagen, Denmark

ESTRO 2022

Session Item

May 09
08:45 - 10:00
Auditorium 15
The positive impact of good leadership
Emma Skarsø Buhl, Denmark;
Sophie Perryck, Switzerland
09:31 - 09:39
Report from a mentee
Daniel Portik, Romania


Report from a mentee

Daniel Portik1

1Topmed Medical Center, Radiotherapy, Targu Mures, Romania

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Abstract Text

Introduction: Mentorship programs are designed to help foster younger generations into their desired fields by offering a helping hand from more experienced, versed senior colleagues. The following presentation will describe this mentee’s experience in ESTRO’s first mentorship program.

Methods: After selection into the ESTRO Mentorship Pilot Program, a selection of mentors and mentees was held at the ESTRO 2021 Congress. After being matched with a preferred mentor, virtual meetings were scheduled at regular intervals, based on our preferences. Sessions were to revolve around personal objectives in the workplace, professional goals, and how to best bring them to fruition.

Results: Meetings were held at regular 6 – 8 week intervals, centered around my career priorities and goals. A contract-style agreement was proposed between the mentee-mentor and a yearly plan for career advancement was formulated. Valuable input was given on the appropriate radiotherapy societies I might adhere to, suitable journals to publish my work and recommendation letters were issued for these applications.

Discussion: Looking back, upon objective review the routine meetings gave a sense of responsibility to report upon progress and to finish transforming ideas into tangible projects. The revision of career goals made rethinking of yearly plans a full endeavor with time-constrained goals. From a more personal, subjective analysis these meetings uplifted my view on my opportunities. The feeling of being supported by an international mentor boosted my self-confidence and created a more brave and daring attitude toward future assignments.

Conclusion: The mentorship program offered me a valuable opportunity in networking, goal reorientation, and career planning. I strongly advise young radiation oncology professionals, based on my personal experience, to participate in mentoring programs as it will make them rethink their own and institutional limits.