Copenhagen, Denmark

ESTRO 2022

Session Item

May 07
08:45 - 10:00
Room D5
Intra-fraction and real-time motion management
Christopher Kurz, Germany;
Martin Fast, The Netherlands
Proffered Papers
09:45 - 09:55
Rapid distortion correction enables accurate real-time adaptive radiotherapy on an MRI-Linac
Paul Liu, Australia


Rapid distortion correction enables accurate real-time adaptive radiotherapy on an MRI-Linac

Paul Liu1,2, Shanshan Shan1,2, David Waddington1,2, Bin Dong2, Gary Liney3,4,5, Paul Keall1,2

1The University of Sydney, ACRF Image X Institute, Sydney, Australia; 2Ingham Institute For Applied Medical Research, Ingham Institute For Applied Medical Research, Liverpool, Australia; 3Liverpool and Macarthur Cancer Therapy Centre, Department of Medical Physics, Liverpool, Australia; 4University of Wollongong, Centre for Medical Radiation Physics, Wollongong, Australia; 5University of New South Wales, Faculty of Medicine, Sydney, Australia

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Purpose or Objective

Real-time tumour tracking during radiotherapy relies on precise target localization to maintain target alignment with the radiation beam. MRI-Linacs are well-suited for this purpose, but MRI is affected by image distortion caused by magnetic field gradient non-linearities.

In this work, a real-time distortion correction method was developed and integrated with an MLC tracking system. This method streams 2D cine-MRIs from the MRI-Linac during irradiation and mathematically corrects for distortion. The corrected image is then used to modulate the MLC leaves to compensate for target motion. 

Material and Methods

The gradient field of the Australian MRI-Linac, a 1T open bore prototype system, was characterized using spherical harmonics (SH) (Fig1A). A grid phantom with 3718 markers was imaged and the distorted marker positions were compared to known marker positions to calculate SH distortion correction coefficients.

The SH correction algorithm was then modified to enable real-time implementation. Prior to tracking, a deformation vector field (DVF) was calculated from the SH coefficients and the tracking slice location (Fig1B). Subsequent images during irradiation have the same slice location and are corrected for distortion by applying this DVF (Fig1C).

To verify this method, a 1D motion phantom underwent sinusoidal motion with an amplitude of 20 mm and a period of 9 s. The phantom was tested at three locations 11, 15 and 17 cm from the isocentre, with the magnitude of distortion increasing with distance.  Cine-MRIs were acquired at 128×128 resolution at 3 Hz and corrected by applying the pre-calculated DVF. The target position was found using template matching and sent to the MLC tracking algorithm to obtain new leaf positions. The DVF method was compared to tracking using uncorrected images and images corrected with SH.

Fig. 1 Real-time distortion correction and MLC tracking workflow.


Fig 2A shows the target position found in cine-MRIs that are uncorrected, corrected with SH and corrected with DVF for the 15 cm location, compared to the ground truth from the motion phantom. Fig 2B shows the RMSE of tracking with each method compared to the ground truth. Both distortion correction methods had similar accuracy (average RMSE of 1.4 mm for SH and 1.4 mm for DVF) and corrected for geometric errors caused by distortion (average RMSE of 2.6 mm for uncorrected images). Distortion correction of each cine-MRI using the DVF method took 18 ms, compared to 6 s using the SH method.

Fig. 2A) Target position and B) RMSE of each method compared to the ground truth


We have demonstrated a distortion correction method that can account for gradient field non-linearity and allow accurate target localization during beam delivery. The DVF method had similar geometric accuracy to the SH method, but the faster computation time allowed it be implemented in real-time with MLC tracking.