Copenhagen, Denmark

ESTRO 2022

Session Item

Imaging acquisition and processing
Poster (digital)
An empirical approach for metal implant classification using 2D dual energy radiography
Jens Edmund, Denmark


An empirical approach for metal implant classification using 2D dual energy radiography

Jens Edmund1,2, Ulf Bjelkengren1

1Gentofte and Herlev Hospital, University of Copenhagen, Radiotherapy Research Unit, Department of Oncology, 2730 Herlev, Denmark; 2Niels Bohr Institute , University of Copenhagen, 2100 Copenhagen, Denmark

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Purpose or Objective

The composition of metal implants (MI) is often unknown, leading to wrongful material assignments in radiotherapy (RT) dose planning. CT numbers of MI can be ambiguous due to the combined effects of photoelectric and Compton interactions at low scanning energies (keV) and the high charge (Z) of metals. Further, CT numbers can be incorrect due to beam hardening and photon starvation modelling effects. To address these concerns, we investigate whether 2D dual energy radiographs, simulating 2D CT topogram projections, can provide a bulk effective charge (Zeff) classification of MI.

Material and Methods

We included bone and metals inserts (Cirs and Gammex Inc.) with known charges for modelling covering Z/Zeff=10 (Inner bone) to 29 (Copper). Zeff=(iwiZi2.98)1/2.98 where wi is the fraction of total electrons of material i. 4 unknown materials were evaluated; the head of a hip implant (HipHead) and proximal femoral rod (rod) from Corail Hip® systems, teeth with dental implants (teeth) and a stainless steel alloy (SS_unknw) insert (Gammex Inc.).

Radiographs with (I) and without (I0) materials were obtained using the on-board imaging system on a Varian TrueBeam v2.7 (Varian Medical Systems) at energies (E)= 70, 80, 100, 120 and 140kV and constant mAs=0.5. Radiographs E>80kV were also acquired with a Ti filter (ETi). Projections p(E)=ln[I0(E)/I(E)] were generated and ratios pR=p(EHigh)/p(ELow) were created where EHigh are all E>ELow. Average pR values were extracted for each material.

A mono exponential empirical model Zeff=exp[a0+a1·pR] was fitted for each dual energy pair to search for an optimal combination. Further, materials with a larger Z and a quadratic pR term were investigated but did not improve the model predictions. Thus a simpler model in a more relevant Z interval was chosen. p(E) and a0 values < 0 were disregarded as too noisy (I>I0) or non-physical (Z<1). Only E combinations proving a reasonable fit (R2>0.8) were used for Zeff prediction.


pR with combinations ELow-(EHigh) =70-(100/120/120Ti/140Ti), 80-(100/120/120Ti/140/140Ti), 100-(140/140Ti), 100Ti-(120/140/140Ti), 120Ti-(140/140Ti) kV all had similar fits (see figure).

The corresponding estimated Zeff intervals were 22-24 for rod (Ti+SS alloys, Z:20-30), 21-27 for teeth (bone+Au+Sn+Cu, Z:14-45), 28-36 for SS_unknw (Cr+F+Ni+Cu+Mo, Z:24-42) and 30-41 for HipHead (Ti-Al+Co/Cr alloys, Z<27) ± 15-48% range uncertainty. Known model materials could be predicted with 4-21% uncertainty (see table). All estimated Zeff values of the unknown materials were within a theoretical Z interval except for HipHead which was estimated higher but within the uncertainty range.


This method provides a first step towards allocating MI to material specific dose kernel by estimating their Zeff from dual energy topograms. Increased mAs impact on imaging plate gain factors for uncertainty reduction and adding MI in anthropomorphic phantoms should be further investigated.