Audits are
provided for reference dosimetry of radiotherapy photon beams in the range 6-18
MV including flattening filter free (FFF) beams and non-standard treatment
units, as CyberKnife and TomoTherapy.
Thermoluminescent dosimeters consisting
of a set of TLD chips embedded in a PMMA waterproof holder are used. The dosimeter
sensitive volume has a length of 2 cm or 1 cm for filtered and FFF beams,
respectively. Dosimeters are calibrated in terms of absorbed dose to water in a
reference 60Co gamma beam at the National Institute of Ionizing
Radiation Metrology (ENEA-INMRI). Correction factors accounting for energy
dependence, volume averaging (for the FFF beams) and long term stability are
applied to the dosimeter signal.
Measurements in radiotherapy beams are
performed in reference conditions according to the international dosimetry
protocols [IAEA TRS 398 and TRS 483, AAPM TG 51]. For
each beam audited, irradiation of two dosimeters with a dose of 2 Gy is
Difference between delivered
and measured absorbed dose to water, Dw,RT
and Dw,TLD, is evaluated in terms of En
score [1] with a coverage factor k=2:

where uw,RT and uw,TLD are the standard
uncertainties associated to Dw,RT
and Dw,TLD, respectively. If Dw,RT and Dw,TLD are traceable to the same primary standard, ucp
differs from zero and accounts for the standard uncertainty associated to the
primary standard.
The audit performance is satisfactory if |En| ≤ 1.0 and unsatisfactory if |En| >