Copenhagen, Denmark

ESTRO 2022

Session Item

Poster (digital)
Sleep disturbances in prostate cancer survivors one year after completing radiotherapy treatment.
Paula Blasco Valls, Spain


Sleep disturbances in prostate cancer survivors one year after completing radiotherapy treatment.

Paula Blasco Valls1, Verónica Chacón McWeeny1, Javier Martín Núñez2, Alejandro Heredia Ciuró2, María Granados Santiago3, Marie Carmen Valenza2

1Hospital Universitario Clínico San Cecilio, Radiation Oncology, Granada, Spain; 2Universidad de Granada, Physical Therapy, Granada, Spain; 3Universidad de Granada, Nursing, Granada, Spain

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Purpose or Objective

Cancer patients often report impaired sleep quality. Impaired sleep quality may be due to increased levels of sleep-mediating cytokines resulting from cancer treatment. The study purpose was to evaluate the sleep quality in prostate cancer survivors after radiotherapy.

Material and Methods

In this observational study, prostate cancer survivors and healthy controls match by age and gender were included. These patients were evaluated one year after radiotherapy treatment. Comorbidities were assessed by the Charlson Comorbidities Index. Sleep quality was evaluated by the Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index (PSQI).


Finally, 51 patients and 51 healthy controls were included in this study. The main age was 70.04 years. Results are presented in the following table:


This study has evidenced the presence of sleep disturbances in prostate cancer survivors one year after radiotherapy.