Copenhagen, Denmark

ESTRO 2022

Session Item

Poster (digital)
Intraoperative radiation therapy in second conservative surgeries for early breast cancer
Alberto Lanuza Carnicer, Spain


Intraoperative radiation therapy in second conservative surgeries for early breast cancer

Alberto Lanuza Carnicer1, Cecilia Escuin Troncho1, María Cerrolaza Pascual1, Victoria Navarro Aznar1, Julia Díaz Abad1, Arantxa Campos Bonel1, María Pilar Sanagustín Piedrafita1, José Miguel Ponce Ortega1, Francisco Javier Villalobos Salguero2, Ana Palomares Cano3, Virginia Rodrigo Vinue3, Cristina García Aguilera1, María Reyes Ibáñez Carreras1

1Hospital Universitario Miguel Servet, Radiation Oncology, Zaragoza, Spain; 2Hospital Universitario Miguel Servet, Gynecology and Obstetrics, Zaragoza, Spain; 3Hospital Universitario Miguel Servet, General Surgery and Digestive System, Zaragoza, Spain

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Purpose or Objective

Mastectomy is the current standard treatment for recurrence of breast cancer (BC) or second tumors after previous glandular irradiation. Breast-conserving surgery (BCS) with reirradiation by intraoperative radiation therapy (IORT) in the ipsilateral breast is an emerging technique in the treatment of early stage cases.

Material and Methods

711 patients with BC treated by IORT between may 2015 and septembrer 2021 were retrospectively analyzed. Those with a previous history of ipsilateral BC who underwent a second BCS and IOR were selected. A total of 20 Gy was administered with Axxent Xoft device during surgery. Different variables such as pathological and radiological features, toxicities according to the CTCAE scale (v.5) and local control were studied. 


Of the total, 9 patients (1.27%) met the established selection criteria. The initial treatment in 8 patients was BCS and external radiotherapy (EBRT) and in 1 BCS and IORT. In the second BCS, IORT was administered to all patients. Mean time between both surgeries was 12 years. In 3/9 cases (33.3%) the recurrence took place in the same quadrant. 100% were invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC): 8 Luminal A (88.8%) and 1 triple negative (TN) wich was out of protocol due to the patient’s refusal to mastectomy. The mean size was 11,4mm.  In the ultrasound control one month after the surgery, seroma was observed in 5 patients and glandular edema in 3 patients. Regarding to dermatological toxicity, 2 patients developed acute G1 radiodermatitis and only 1 patient developed chronic toxicity, that was resolved 6 months later. None of the Luminal profile tumors recurred after a median follow-up of 23.6 months.


For those pacients with recurrent breast cancer in the ipsilateral breast after previous glandular radiotherapy, second breast-conserving surgery with IORT is a feasible treatment  with excellent tolerance in selected cases with a favorable prognosis profile.