Copenhagen, Denmark

ESTRO 2022

Session Item

May 08
14:15 - 15:30
Room D5
ESTRO-ISMRM: Quantitative MRI for radiation oncology
Daniela Thorwarth, Germany;
Oliver Gurney-Champion, The Netherlands;
Petra van Houdt, The Netherlands
Quantitative imaging biomarkers (QIBs) derived from MRI techniques have the potential to personalize radiotherapy treatment. QIBs can be utilized in various ways, including for treatment planning, adaptation of treatment plan during treatment, and response assessment after radiotherapy. Furthermore, they can be used to guide contouring as they can show good tumour visibility. However, introducing QIBs is not trivial and a lot of steps need to be taken before QIBs can be used clinically to personalize radiotherapy treatments. This symposium contains speakers from both the ESTRO and ISMRM community to discuss the use of quantitative MRI in radiotherapy.
Joint Symposium
15:00 - 15:15
The future of qMRI in radiotherapy
Dave Fuller, USA


The future of qMRI in radiotherapy