Copenhagen, Denmark

ESTRO 2022

Session Item

May 09
14:15 - 15:15
Poster Station 1
21: Implementation of new technology & techniques
Sebastian Klüter, Germany
Poster Discussions are presented at one of the sessions scheduled at the two poster terminals in the exhibition. Each author will present a digital poster orally for 2 minutes, followed by 2 minutes for discussion. Sessions will not be streamed but authors are invited to upload per-recordings for the online platform.
Poster Discussion
In vivo verification by detection of charged fragments in carbon ion therapy treatments at CNAO
vincenzo patera, Italy


In vivo verification by detection of charged fragments in carbon ion therapy treatments at CNAO

Micol De Simoni1, Guido Baroni2, Giuseppe Battistoni3, Maria Giuseppina Bisogni4, Piergiorgio Cerello5, Mario Ciocca6, Marco Donetti7, Yunsheng Dong3, Alessia Embriaco8, Veronica Ferrero5, Elisa Fiorina5, Marta Fischetti9, Gaia Franciosini10, Gabriele Giacchi9, Aafke Kraan4, Carmela Luongo4, Marco Maggi9, Carlo Mancini Terracciano10, Michela Marafini11, Etesam Malekzadeh7, Ilaria Mattei3, Enrico Mazzoni4, Alfredo Mirandola7, Matteo Morrocchi4, Silvia Muraro3, Vincenzo Patera9, Francesco Pennazio5, Angelo Schiavi9, Elena Solfaroli-Camillucci10, Giancarlo Sportelli4, Sara Tampellini7, Marco Toppi9, Giacomo Traini12, Antonio Trigilio10, Barbara Vischioni7, Viviana Vitolo7, Daniele Carlotti10, Angelica De Gregorio10, Alessio Sarti9

1Sapienza, University of Rome, Physics , Rome, Italy; 2Politecnico di Milano, Dipartimento di Elettronica Informazione e Bioingegneria, Milan, Italy; 3INFN (Istituto Nazionale Fisica Nucleare), Milano, Milan, Italy; 4INFN (Istituto Nazionale Fisica Nucleare), Pisa, Pisa, Italy; 5INFN (Istituto Nazionale Fisica Nucleare), Torino, Turin, Italy; 6CNAO (Centro Nazionale di Adroterapia Oncologica), Pavia, Pavia, Italy; 7CNAO Centro Nazionale di Adroterapia Oncologica, Pavia, Pavia, Italy; 8INFN (Istituto Nazionale Fisica Nucleare), Pavia, Pavia, Italy; 9Sapienza, University of Rome, SBAI (Scienze di Base Applicate all'Ingegneria), Rome, Italy; 10Sapienza, University of Rome, Physics, Rome, Italy; 11Museo Storico della Fisica e Centro Studi e Ricerche “E. Fermi”, Roma, Rome, Italy; 12INFN (Istituto Nazionale Fisica Nucleare), Roma1, Rome, Italy

Show Affiliations
Purpose or Objective

The implementation of safety margins while planning Particle Therapy treatments to account for possible morphological variations, prevents the full exploitation of therapy intrinsic precision. The development of an on-line verification system is hence considered a crucial step forward in improving the therapy clinical outcome, allowing to experimentally check the planned and delivered dose consistency and to re-schedule or re-plan the treatments if needed. The Dose Profiler (DP) is a device designed and built to operate as an on-line verification system of the 12C ion treatments, exploiting the secondary charged fragments escaping from the patient body. The capability of spotting morphological variations of the DP has been investigated for pathologies of the neck-head district in the context of a clinical trial carried out at CNAO (Centro Nazionale di Adroterapia Oncologica, Pavia, Italy) from the INSIDE collaboration. The measured fragment 3D emission map has been compared among the different monitored fractions computing the gamma-index to spot possible inter-fractional changes. 

Material and Methods

The DP exploits 8 planes of plastic scintillating fibers read-out by Silicon PhotoMultipliers (SiPM) to detect and track the incoming fragments, reconstructing their production point coordinates. 

After each monitored fraction (for a total of   5 treatment sessions per patient), the 3D image of the fragments’ emission positions is reconstructed back-projecting the detected tracks towards the patient and then compared against the one obtained in the first fraction. Differences in the fragment emission maps correlated to morphological variations have been already observed comparing the 1D projections of the measured maps along the beam direction. A 3D comparison strategy based on the gamma-index calculation has been exploited to better localize the spotted variations in the patient ad improve the technique sensitivity.


The 3D gamma-index maps have been calculated for 10 patients enrolled in the clinical trial. Morphological variations that occurred in three patients have been identified.

In the figure, the gamma-index map is shown in the case of a patient affected by ACC, superimposed to the CT scan image performed at the planning stage. The clear gamma-index hot spot is correlated to the emptying of the frontal sinuses that occurred during the treatment delivery.


The results of the analysis performed on patients enrolled in the trial clearly indicate that early detection of morphological changes occurring in the tissues crossed by the beam in its entrance path towards the target volume is possible using the DP as monitoring device. In the second part of 2021 other 10 patients will be recruited to study and validate the technique on different pathologies, finalizing the systematic uncertainty studies and technique sensitivity evaluation.