microdosimetry with tissue-equivalent proportional counters at an ion beam therapy facility
microdosimetry with tissue-equivalent proportional counters at an ion beam therapy facility
Authors: Sandra Barna1, Cynthia Meouchi2, Giulio Magrin3, Valeria Conte4, Markus Stock5, Andreas Resch1, Dietmar Georg1, Hugo Palmans6
1Medizinische Universität Wien, Universitätsklinik für Radioonkologie, Vienna, Austria; 2Technische Universität Wien, Atominstitut, Vienna, Austria; 3MedAustron Ion Therapy Centre, Medical Physics, Wr. Neustadt, Austria; 4Università di Roma Tor Vergata, Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Chimiche, Rome, Italy; 5MedAustron Ion Therapy Centre, MedAustron Ion Therapy Centre, Wr. Neustadt, Austria; 6National Physical Laboratory, National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, United Kingdom
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Purpose or Objective
ICRU report 36 as well as the report on
microdosimetry of the European Radiation Dosimetry Group deal
with the theoretical and experimental methods of microdosimetry. This work reports on our progress using a gas-filled detector to validate microdosimetric equipment as well as Monte
Carlo (MC) tools to simulate the pulse height spectra.
Material and Methods
Measurements were performed with a mini TEPC (tissue-equivalent proportional counter), described by De Nardo et al (2004), in a 62.4 MeV single-spot proton
beam with a FWHM of approximately 2.5 cm. The beam was delivered with a
reduced particle rate of 4 MHz over the entire spot to reduce pile-up and
saturation effects. It has a cylindrical sensitive volume (SV) of 1 mm3 and was filled with
propane gas at 430 mbar. The voltage was varied to find the optimal gas
gain. A python script was developed to convert the measured pulse height
spectra into microdosimetric spectra, with appropriate corrections for the
linearity of the electronics and the calibration using the proton edge
technique published by Bianchi et al (2021).
A Monte Carlo (MC) simulation using the GATE/Geant4
toolkit was performed, utilizing a simple geometry and our facility’s beam
characteristics and nozzle design, see Elia et al (2020). The detector geometry was a gas-filled
sphere with three surrounding layers of G4WATER. Maximum step sizes and
production cuts were selected for each region, decreasing for each layer closer
to the scoring geometry. The TEPCActor source code was modified to calculate
the correct mean chord length for a cylindrical SV instead of the default
spherical SV.
The increase of the gas gain with increasing
voltages was demonstrated for a range of 580 V to 780 V. Several
spectra along the whole depth dose curve of a 62.4 MeV proton beam were
Figure 1 shows the dose distribution in lineal
energy for the plateau and dose fall-off region. The solid lines represent the
measured spectra, while the dashed lines represent the MC simulated spectra.
While the overall shape of the simulated and measured spectra agree well, the
positions of the edge region at the rightmost part of the spectra and peak show
deviations, which are more pronounced for the dose fall-off spectra.
Figure 1: Microdosimetric spectra obtained in the plateau and distal dose fall-off
of a 62.4 MeV proton beam (solid lines) and their corresponding MC simulated
spectra (dashed lines).
A workflow for experimental microdosimetry with a TEPC was successfully
established for our institute’s proton beam. Further MC simulations need to be
performed to improve our understanding of the deviations with respect to
measurements. In particular, the influence of a more detailed detector design
and different physics lists on the simulations will be investigated. Other
theoretical concepts, e.g. different extrapolations to the keV/µm region below
the noise level, and the establishment of detailed uncertainty budgets, will be
investigated in the future.