Copenhagen, Denmark

ESTRO 2022

Session Item

May 07
09:00 - 10:00
Poster Station 2
02: Palliation, mixed sites
Max Dahele, The Netherlands
Poster Discussions are presented at one of the sessions scheduled at the two poster terminals in the exhibition. Each author will present a digital poster orally for 2 minutes, followed by 2 minutes for discussion. Sessions will not be streamed but authors are invited to upload per-recordings for the online platform.
Poster Discussion
Benefit of replanning in MR-guided online adaptive radiation therapy in liver metastasis treatment
Michael Mayinger, Switzerland


Benefit of replanning in MR-guided online adaptive radiation therapy in liver metastasis treatment

Michael Mayinger1, Roman Ludwig1, Sebastian Christ1, Riccardo Dal Bello1, Alex Ryu1, Nienke Weitkamp1, Matea Pavic1, Helena Garcia Schüler1, Lotte Wilke1, Matthias Guckenberger1, Jan Unkelbach1, Stephanie Tanadini-Lang1, Nicolaus Andratschke1

1University Hospital of Zurich, University of Zurich, Radiation Oncology, Zurich, Switzerland

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Purpose or Objective

To assess the effects of daily adaptive MR-guided replanning in stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) of liver metastases based on a patient individual longitudinal dosimetric analysis.

Material and Methods

Fifteen patients assigned to SBRT for oligometastatic liver metastases underwent daily MR-guided target localization and on-table treatment plan re-optimization. A Monte Carlo algorithm based, intensity-modulated RT (IMRT) step and shoot treatment plan, referred to as “baseline plan (BP)” was calculated, using a grid spacing of 0.2 cm (Figure 1 A). Gross tumor volume (GTV) and organs at risk (OARs) were adapted to the anatomy-of-the-day. A rigidly shifted baseline plan (sBP; Figure 1 B) without re-optimization a reoptimized plan (RP; Figure 1 C) were generated for each fraction. After extraction of DVH parameters for GTV, planning target volume (PTV), and OARs (stomach, duodenum, bowel, liver, heart) plans were compared on a per-patient basis.

Figure 1: 
Illustration of the benefit of reoptimization for patient A: (TOP) DVH comparison of baseline, rigidly shifted, and reoptimized plan; A Dose distribution of the baseline plan overlayed on the pre-treatment MR; B rigidly shifted plan overlayed on the MR of the first treatment fraction; C reoptimized plan for the first treatment fraction. Doses exceeding 45 Gy are shown. The contours displayed are the PTV (red) and the heart (rose).


Median pre-treatment GTV and PTV were 14.9 cc (interquartile range (IQR): 7.7-32.9) and 62.7 cc (IQR: 42.4-105.5) respectively. SBRT with RP improved PTV coverage (V100%) for 47/75 of the fractions and reduced doses to the most proximal OARs (D1cc, Dmean) in 33/75 fractions compared to sBP. RP significantly improved PTV coverage (V100%) for metastases within close proximity to an OAR by 4.0% (≤ 0.2 cm distance from the edge of the PTV to the edge of the OAR; n = 7; p = 0.01; Figure 2), but only by 0.2% for metastases farther away from OAR (> 2 cm distance; n = 7; p = 0.37). No acute grade 3 treatment-related toxicities were observed.

Figure 2:
A Benefit of reoptimization, measured as improvement in ∆V100% as a function of the distance to the closest OAR.
B Location of metastasis in liver. Patients with a benefit of adaptation of ∆V100% > 1% are highlighted in cyan.


MR-guided online replanning SBRT improved target coverage and OAR sparing for liver metastases with a distance from the edge of the PTV to the nearest luminal OAR < 2 cm. Only marginal improvements in target coverage were observed for target distant to critical OARs, indicating that these patients do not benefit from daily adaptive replanning.