Copenhagen, Denmark

ESTRO 2022

Session Item

May 07
09:00 - 10:00
Poster Station 1
01: Image processing & analysis
René Winter, Norway
Poster Discussions are presented at one of the sessions scheduled at the two poster terminals in the exhibition. Each author will present a digital poster orally for 2 minutes, followed by 2 minutes for discussion. Sessions will not be streamed but authors are invited to upload per-recordings for the online platform.
Poster Discussion
Investigating intensity augmentation for deep learning contouring on prostate contrast-enhanced CT
Mark Gooding, United Kingdom


Investigating intensity augmentation for deep learning contouring on prostate contrast-enhanced CT

Daniel Balfour1, Djamal Boukerroui1, Yasmin McQuinlan1, Rachel Baggs2, Jonny Turner1, Michael Battye3, Pádraig Looney1, Wouter van Elmpt4, Andre Dekker5, Mark Gooding1

1Mirada Medical Ltd., Science, Oxford, United Kingdom; 2Mirada Medical Ltd., Product, Oxford, United Kingdom; 3Mirada Medical Ltd., Engineering, Oxford, United Kingdom; 4Maastro Clinic, Physics Innovation, Maastricht, The Netherlands; 5Maastro Clinic, Radiotherapy, Maastricht, The Netherlands

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Purpose or Objective

Deep learning contouring (DLC) networks can underperform, or even fail, when applied to images which significantly differ in appearance relative to those used for training the networks. This poor generalisation is due to image features varying in a way that the network does not expect.

For instance, the bladder can vary in appearance between pelvic contrast-enhanced CT (CECT) and non-enhanced (NECT) scans. This is due to the presence of contrast agent in CECTs, the distribution of which is highly variable among cases. This means DLC networks trained on NECT-only datasets tend to underperform when applied to CECTs.

The purpose of this work was to investigate whether generating synthetic training examples is feasible for improving DLC performance when applied to real data. Augmentation of a prostate NECT dataset with synthetic CECTs was investigated.

Material and Methods

To perform this investigation, 2 datasets were used: 160 prostate NECTs, and a further 6 clinical excretory-phase prostate CECTs. CTs had corresponding structure sets of organs at risk (OARs), delineated by experienced dosimetrists.

A generative appearance model with 8 degrees of freedom (DOFs) was inferred from real CECTs and used to simulate CECT images from NECT data. An example NECT and a corresponding generated CECT are shown in Figure 1.

A synthetic CECT was then generated for each NECT, forming an augmented dataset of 320 cases. Values for the DOFs were randomly sampled from the learned distributions.

Two separate CNN-based OAR DLC network models were trained, using the same architecture:

  • DLC: Trained using NECT data only
  • AugDLCTrained using both NECTs and synthetic CECTs

80% of each dataset was randomly assigned to network training, 10% to validation, and 10% to testing.

Both networks were applied to the 6 clinical CECTs to produce contours. They were also applied to 12 NECTs not used in training. Structures for 4 OARs were autocontoured: the bladder, prostate, rectum, and seminal vesicles. These were compared to the expert delineations using 3D Dice similarity coefficient (DSC) and added path length (APL). APL is correlated to the time required to edit a contour to a clinically-acceptable standard.


Results are presented in in Figure 2.

Substantial improvements can be seen for CECT bladder contours in both measures. The augmentation also appears to aid performance on NECT bladder delineation.

However, other structures show mixed results. Prostate DSCs improved for CECTs on average, whereas some seminal vesicles underperformed on the NECTs.


Use of generative intensity augmentation to enhance training datasets aids deep learning contouring by improving generalisation to unseen data. The results are promising and suggest that similar modelling may be useful for other contrast-enhanced applications in RT. However, network generalisation may be at the cost of a minor decrease in performance on specific subsets of the data. This trade-off between specialisation and generalisation needs further investigation.