Copenhagen, Denmark

ESTRO 2022

Session Item

May 08
16:55 - 17:55
Mini-Oral Theatre 1
15: Treatment plan optimisation & adaptation
Edmond Sterpin, Belgium;
Lena Nenoff, Germany
Mini-Orals are presented at one of the sessions scheduled in the two mini-oral theatres near the exhibition. Each author will present a 4-slide PowerPoint orally for 4 minutes, followed by 3 minutes for discussion. Sessions will not be streamed but authors are invited to upload per-recordings for the online platform.
The need for treatment adaptation in carbon ion radiotherapy of pancreatic cancer
Silvia Molinelli, Italy


The need for treatment adaptation in carbon ion radiotherapy of pancreatic cancer

silvia molinelli1, Alessandro Vai1, Stefania Russo1, Pierre Loap2, Giorgia Meschini3, Giuseppe Magro1, Chiara Paganelli3, Amelia Barcellini4, Viviana Vitolo4, Mario Ciocca1, Ester Orlandi4

1Fondazione CNAO, Medical Physics, pavia, Italy; 2Institut Curie, Radiation Oncology, Paris, France; 3 Politecnico di Milano, Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria, milan, Italy; 4Fondazione CNAO, Clinical Department, pavia, Italy

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Purpose or Objective

To quantify potential benefits of 4D robust optimization on multiple 4DCT acquisitions combined with off-line treatment adaptation (ART) for pre-operative carbon ion therapy (CIRT) of borderline resectable pancreatic adenocarcinomas (phase II clinical trial - NCT03822936).

Material and Methods

For 10 previously treated patients, a 4DCT was acquired at -15 (CTPlan), -5 (RV1), 0 (RV2) and +6 (RV3) days from RT start. Treatment plans were optimized to a dose prescription of 38.4 Gy(RBE), in 8 fractions, with a constraint of 38 Gy(RBE) to 1% of the Gastrointestinal organs at risk (GI-OARs) volume (D1%) and a plan objective of D5cc<36 Gy(RBE). The employed motion mitigation strategy involves immobilization with a solid thermoplastic mask, gated dose delivery, centered on maximum expiration (0Ex), combined with 5 rescans. Three adaptive strategies were tested: (A) robust optimization on CTPlan-0Ex accounting for 3 mm set-up and 3% range uncertainty, including the 30%-inspiration phase; (B) robust optimization with the addition of RV1-0Ex as uncertainty scenario; (C) plan recalculation at each RVi and re-optimization (RPi) according to pre-defined thresholds on dose deviation from clinical goals. The cumulative variation of target coverage and GI-OARs doses was evaluated, for each pipeline, assuming RV2 and RV3 representative of the subsequent 4 fractions. The duodenum contour of all available 4DCT for each patient was registered on CTPlan. The capacity of pre-RT acquisitions to predict duodenum position, along the RT course, was investigated by computing the intersection of the contours at CTplan, RV1, or the union of both, with respect to post-RT 4DCT and the CTV, coupled with increasing margin expansions.


No RCi ever exceeded the near-to-maximum (D1%) constraint to GI-OARs (A). The use of robust optimization alone (B) improved CTV D98% on average of (3.0±2.2)%, but was still sub-optimal on a patient-specific basis. According to (C), half of the plans would be re-optimized to recover target coverage and/or minimize duodenum D5cc, at least at one RVi (Figure 1). A significant difference was observed between duodenum contours on CTplan, RV1, or their union when intersecting subsequent contours, suggesting that the duodenum position could not be predicted by any combination of pre-RT contours, neither with a margin expansion, without substantially compromising target coverage (Figure 2). 

Figure 1: % Variation of CTV D98% (a) and duodenum D5cc (b) for each patient, according to the three strategies (A blue – B red – C green), at planning and at each RVi with respect to optimization goals.


The off-line ART approach (C), currently applied to the pre-operative treatment schedule, proved feasible and safe. A fast and efficient online ART protocol is anyhow fundamental to improve treatment quality in CIRT for pancreatic adenocarcinomas.