Copenhagen, Denmark

ESTRO 2022

Session Item

May 07
16:55 - 17:55
Mini-Oral Theatre 2
08: Patient care, preparation, immobilisation and IGRT verification protocols
Philipp Scherer, Austria;
Siobhan Graham, United Kingdom
Mini-Orals are presented at one of the sessions scheduled in the two mini-oral theatres near the exhibition. Each author will present a 4-slide PowerPoint orally for 4 minutes, followed by 3 minutes for discussion. Sessions will not be streamed but authors are invited to upload per-recordings for the online platform.
One stop shop single fraction MR-guided stereotactic radiotherapy: Workflow and patient satisfaction
S. Verheijen, The Netherlands


One stop shop single fraction MR-guided stereotactic radiotherapy: Workflow and patient satisfaction

Sonja Verheijen1, Ruud de Moes2, Miguel A. Palacios2, Cornelis J.A. Haasbeek2, Famke L. Schneiders2, Anna M.E. Bruynzeel2, Berend J. Slotman2, Frank J. Lagerwaard2, Suresh Senan2

1Amsterdam UMC, VUmc location, de Boelelaan 1117, 1081 HV Amsterdam, Department of Radiation Oncology, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 2Amsterdam UMC, location VUmc, de Boelelaan 1117, 1081 HV Amsterdam, Department of Radiation Oncology, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

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Purpose or Objective

Single fraction SBRT is a standard treatment option for lung malignancies. We report on the workflow and patient satisfaction for a one stop shop (OSS) service for delivery of MR-guided SBRT in lung tumors. 

Material and Methods

Suitable patients were identified by a radiation oncologist before consultation. Eligibility criteria were tumor size <5cm, located >1 cm from critical structures, and tumor visibility on both a 3D MR scan and MR-cine acquisitions. The workflow consisted of consultation, simulation, treatment planning and delivery. The duration of each step was monitored. After SBRT, patients completed a questionnaire to assess their overall impression with the OSS procedure and waiting times between workflow steps.

A dedicated MR-simulation session assessed tumor mobility in 3 planes, in combination with a 3D MR scan in breath-hold, followed by a breath-hold CT scan for dose calculation purposes. IMRT step-and-shoot plans were generated, using typically 12 beams and 25 segments. The prescribed dose was either 30 or 34Gy to the PTV, in accordance with NRG-RTOG 0915 trial constraints. In a second phase of the OSS procedure, autocontouring of OARs was implemented in combination with the use of a patient-specific template for dose optimization derived from a preplanning on a diagnostic CT. SBRT was delivered on an MR-linac, with breath-hold gating performed using visual feedback of real-time tumor tracking on a video screen. Online plan-adaptation enabled two consecutive sessions, allowing patients to rest during treatment, thus increasing gating efficiency. 


Seven patients underwent the OSS procedure. All treatment plans fulfilled institutional dose constraints. Figure 1A shows the time spent by a patient in each workflow step. Total procedure time decreased from on average 7.5h for the first 5 patients, to 4h for latter patients. Simulation took 45 min on average. Treatment planning times decreased from 4.0h to 1.2h after implementation of auto contouring of organs at risk and the use of patient-specific templates. Full breath-hold delivery and re-optimization took on average 1.3hrs.

Figure 1B summarizes findings from patient questionnaires completed at the end of the OSS treatment. All patients were pleased with the opportunity to complete pre-treatment imaging and treatment in one single day. However, some regarded the experience as somewhat taxing. A slightly lower satisfaction was noted by three of the first 5 patients whose OSS procedure took >6.0h, as they had to wait at least 3.0h between simulation and treatment. 


A OSS MR-guided lung SBRT service was successfully implemented. Patients preferred pre-treatment imaging and delivery in one single day, and also appeared more satisfied with shorter stays at the department. Measures to further shorten the workflow are being explored, and use of the OSS implementation will extend to other tumor sites.