Copenhagen, Denmark

ESTRO 2022

Session Item

May 08
10:30 - 11:30
Mini-Oral Theatre 1
11: Intra-fraction motion management
Helen Grimes, United Kingdom;
Sara Abdollahi, Switzerland
Mini-Orals are presented at one of the sessions scheduled in the two mini-oral theatres near the exhibition. Each author will present a 4-slide PowerPoint orally for 4 minutes, followed by 3 minutes for discussion. Sessions will not be streamed but authors are invited to upload per-recordings for the online platform.
First demonstration of 3D cine-MRI guided MLC-tracking for extremely hypofractionated prostate SBRT
Pim Borman, The Netherlands


First demonstration of 3D cine-MRI guided MLC-tracking for extremely hypofractionated prostate SBRT

Pim Borman1, Prescilla Uijtewaal1, Daan de Muinck Keizer1, Peter Woodhead2, Bas Raaymakers1, Hans de Boer1, Martin Fast1

1University Medical Center Utrecht, Department of Radiotherapy, Utrecht, The Netherlands; 2Elekta, AB, Stockholm, Sweden

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Purpose or Objective

Intra-fractional tumor motion is a major source of uncertainty in extremely hypofractionated prostate SBRTOn MR-linacscontinuous 3Dcine MRI can be performed during irradiation, allowing for real-time monitoring of the target and surrounding anatomy. Given the low frame rate of 3D MRI (0.1Hz), our aim is to compensate for slow prostate motion and drifts during irradiation. Here, we provide a first experimental demonstration of 3Dcine MRI-guided MLC-tracking in a phantom. 

Material and Methods

Measurements were performed on a 1.5T Unity MR-linac (Elekta AB, Stockholm, SWE) using a Quasar MRI4D phantom (ModusQALondon, ON) and a custom-made ramp (20 deg. inclination) to support angulation (fig. 1)Unangulated, the phantom translated in CC, while angulated it translated in CC and AP. The phantom consisted of a water-filled body oval with a moving gel-filled cylinder in the middle. The cylinder contained a 3cm spherical target intersected with a cassette holding Gafchromic EBT3 film. 

Two motion traces were used: a linear 1mm/min drift (artificial) and a prerecorded trace of a prostate patient (real) (fig. 1). Clinical-grade 7-beam IMRT prostate plans (2x12Gy, 2mm isotropic GTV-PTV margins, 10 minutes delivery time) were made using Monaco (Elekta AB) for both angulation setups. 

MLC-tracking during delivery was performed by acquiring continuous 3Dcine MRI frames (0.1Hz, balanced gradient-echo, FOV 250x452x99mmÂł, voxels size 2x2x2.2mmÂł), that were rigidly registered using Elastix on the first static reference framwithin a predefined mask around the target (fig. 1). Shifted MLC apertures were calculated and sent to the MR-linac via a research interface. The tracking performance was quantified by measuring the latency and RMSE of the tracked vs. phantom traces 

Film dosimetry experiments were performed in which deliveries with/without MLC-tracking were compared with a static delivery. This was done for the real/artificial motion traces and both angulation setups. 


The tracking latency was 15±5s, including 500ms registration time, resulting in an RMSE for the artificial trace of 0.35mm. Selected dose maps (fig. 2) show excellent agreement between the static and tracked deliveries using the real trace with angulationFor all experiments combined, the local 2%/2mm gamma pass rates (median[min-max]) were 99[97-100]% for the tracked and 66[39-91]% for the non-tracked cases. Especially the artificial 1mm/min drift trace resulted in low pass-rates without tracking. 

Figure 2: Dosimetric results for the angulated setup with the real motion trace 


We have shown that MLC-tracking based on 3D-cine MRI for prostate SBRT on the MR-linac is feasible and beneficial. Slow motion and drifts could be compensated for resulting in dosimetric benefit and the possibility of further hypofractionation. Though sufficient for tracking slow motion, the latency may be further reduced by optimizing the MRI acquisition and reconstruction.