Copenhagen, Denmark

ESTRO 2022

Session Item

May 08
09:00 - 10:00
Mini-Oral Theatre 1
09: Personalised radiation therapy
Brita Singers Sørensen, Denmark;
Rita Simoes, United Kingdom
Mini-Orals are presented at one of the sessions scheduled in the two mini-oral theatres near the exhibition. Each author will present a 4-slide PowerPoint orally for 4 minutes, followed by 3 minutes for discussion. Sessions will not be streamed but authors are invited to upload per-recordings for the online platform.
A CT-radiomics model to predict recurrence post curative-intent radiotherapy for stage I-III NSCLC
Sumeet Hindocha, United Kingdom


A CT-radiomics model to predict recurrence post curative-intent radiotherapy for stage I-III NSCLC

Sumeet Hindocha1, Thomas Charlton2, Kristofer Linton-Reid3, Benjamin Hunter1, Charleen Chan4, Merina Ahmed1, Emily Robinson5, Matthew Orton6, Jason Lunn7, Shahreen Ahmed8, Fiona McDonald1, Imogen Locke1, Danielle Power9, Simon Doran7, Matthew Blackledge7, Richard Lee1, Eric Aboagye3

1The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, Lung Unit, London, United Kingdom; 2Guy's & St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, Lung Unit, London, United Kingdom; 3Imperial College London, Department of Surgery & Cancer, London, United Kingdom; 4The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, Clinical Oncology, London, United Kingdom; 5Institute of Cancer Research, Clinical Trials Unit, London, United Kingdom; 6Institute of Cancer Research, Artificial Intelligence Imaging Hub, London, United Kingdom; 7Institute of Cancer Research, Radiotherapy & Imaging, London, United Kingdom; 8Guy's & St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, Lung Unitq, London, United Kingdom; 9Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, Clinical Oncology, London, United Kingdom

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Purpose or Objective

Recurrence occurs in up to 36% of patients treated with radiotherapy for NSCLC. High-quality evidence to provide specific recommendations on the nature of post-treatment surveillance is lacking. Risk-stratification models are required to determine optimal follow-up. We present a radiomics model to predict recurrence and recurrence-free survival (RFS) 2 years post-treatment, using routinely available radiotherapy planning CTs and the gross tumour volume (GTV), contoured for radiotherapy purposes as the region of interest for feature extraction.

Material and Methods

A retrospective multi-centre study of patients receiving stereotactic or conventional (chemo)radiotherapy for stage I-III NSCLC was undertaken. Cases with a GTV encompassing the primary tumour were included from 5 hospitals. Cases from 4 hospitals were divided into training and validation sets, stratified by outcome, with the 5th hospital providing an external test set. Radiotherapy planning CTs were pre-processed and features extracted from GTVs using TexLAB 2.0. Time to recurrence/RFS data were binarized (yes/no) at 2 years from the first fraction of radiotherapy for classification purposes. 

We explored a combination of 9 feature reduction techniques with 11 machine learning classifiers, producing risk-stratification models for recurrence and RFS. The model with the highest validation set AUC was selected and deployed on the external test set. Models were compared with 10-fold cross validation and bench-marked against TNM stage. Youden index, calculated from validation set ROC curves, was used to define high and low risk groups. Kaplan-Meier curves were produced.


509 patients were included, training = 302, validation = 75, test = 132. Median follow-up was 762 days. Train-validation and external test set mean age was 74 and 71 respectively. Recurrence and RFS rates at 2 years were 36.3% vs 30.3%, and 48% vs 43.9% respectively.

 For recurrence Principal Component Analysis followed by an ensemble of Partial Least Squares (PLS), K-Nearest Neighbours and Elastic-net was the best performing model. For RFS, Pearson correlation with PLS was the best performing model.

 The respective validation and test set AUCs and 95% confidence intervals are shown in Table 1. Our model had superior AUC to the TNM model in both validation and test sets for predicting RFS. For recurrence, AUC was superior to the TNM stage model in the validation set and similar in the test set. Kaplan Meier curves showed marked separation with significant log-rank tests (Figure 1).


We present validated and externally tested recurrence risk-stratification models that use routinely available radiotherapy data. Such models could be integrated into the radiotherapy workflow to inform personalised surveillance at the point of treatment for patients with NSCLC.