Copenhagen, Denmark

ESTRO 2022

Session Item

May 08
16:55 - 17:55
Room D1
Nejla Fourati, Tunisia;
Tobias Hölscher, Germany
Proffered Papers are presented at one of the sessions scheduled in the main session halls. Each author will present orally for 7 minutes, followed by 3 minutes for discussion. Sessions will be streamed.
Proffered Papers
16:55 - 17:05
Early outcomes of a randomized trial of SBRT and Abiraterore in mCPRC: ARTO trial NCT03449719
Giulio Francolini, Italy


Early outcomes of a randomized trial of SBRT and Abiraterore in mCPRC: ARTO trial NCT03449719

Giulio Francolini1, Beatrice Detti1, Vanessa Di Cataldo2, Saverio Caini3, Anna Rita Alitto4, Silvana Parisi5, Chiara Demofonti6, Alessio Bruni7, Gianluca Ingrosso8, Giorgia Timon9, Angiolo Tagliagambe10, Michele Aquilano11, Lucia Pia Ciccone11, Viola Salvestrini11, Giulio Frosini11, Cecilia Cerbai11, Andrea Allegra11, Luca Burchini12, Isacco Desideri13, Monica Mangoni14, Icro Meattini14, Lorenzo Livi14

1Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria Careggi, Radiation Oncology Unit Oncology Department, Florence, Italy; 2Istituto Fiorentino di Cura e Assistenza (IFCA), Radiation Oncology CyberKnife Center, Florence, Italy; 3Institute for Cancer Research, Prevention and Clinical Network (ISPRO), Cancer Risk Factors and Lifestyle Epidemiology Unit, Florence, Italy; 4Fondazione Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli IRCCS, U.O.C. di Radioterapia Oncologica, Dipartimento di Diagnostica per Immagini, Radioterapia Oncologica ed Ematologia, Rome, Italy; 5University of Messina, Department of Biomedical and Dental Sciences and Morpho-Functional Imaging, Messina, Italy; 6Tor Vergata General Hospital, Radiotherapy Unit, Department of Oncology and Hematology, Rome, Italy; 7University Hospital of Modena, Radiation Therapy Unit, Department of Oncology and Hematology, Modena, Italy; 8University of Perugia, Radiation Oncology Section, Department of Surgical and Biomedical Science, Perugia, Italy; 9AUSL-IRCCS di Reggio Emilia, Radiation Oncology Unit, Clinical Cancer Centre, Reggio Emilia, Italy; 10Azienda Azienda Usl 1 di Massa e Carrara, Struttura Complessa UO Radioterapia, Massa Carrara, Italy; 11University of Florence, Department of Biomedical, Experimental and Clinical Sciences "Mario Serio", Florence, Italy; 12University of Florence, Department of Biomedical, Experiemental and Clinical Sciences "Mario Serio", Florence, Italy; 13University of Florence, Department of Biomedical, Experimental and Clinical Sciences "Mario Serio", Florence, Italy; 14University of Florence - Department of Biomedical, Experimental and Clinical Sciences "Mario Serio", Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria Careggi - Radiation Oncology Unit Oncology Department, Florence, Italy

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Purpose or Objective

A multicentre, randomized trial testing the benefit of stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) addition to abiraterone acetate (AA) in oligometastatic Castrate Resistant Prostate Cancer (CRPC) patients (ARTO, NCT03449719) is currently running in 16 Italian centres. Here we present an early report, exploring efficacy results of SBRT+AA combination after enrollment of 79% of target sample.

Material and Methods

Patients affected by oligometastatic CRPC (<3 non-visceral metastatic lesions) were enrolled in the trial. Patients were randomized 1:1 to receive either AA alone (control arm) or associated with concomitant SBRT on all sites of disease (treatment arm). Primary endpoint is biochemical response, defined as a PSA50% from baseline measured within 6 months from treatment start (BR). PSA drop (PSA reduction at 6 months if compared to baseline, expressed as a logarithmic function, logPSA) and complete biochemical response (CBR), defined as PSA at 6 months 0.2 ng/ml are secondary endpoints of the trial. All included patients had 6 months of follow up.


One hundred twenty-three patients were enrolled in ARTO trial, 98 patients were evaluable for this analysis. 76.5% of patients had BR (82.2% vs. 71.7% in treatment vs. control arm, respectively), with an unadjusted odds ratio (OR) of 1.83 (95%CI 0.69-4.82, p-value 0.22). After adjustment for baseline PSA and metastatic sites (>1 vs. 1), the OR for BR was 2.23 (95%CI 0.74-6.73, p-value 0.15). A nearly significant trend for a lower logPSA at 6 months was detected in treatment vs control arm (beta -0.76, 95%CI -1.58, 0.05, p-value 0.064). 36.7% of patients had CBR (46.7% vs. 28.3% in treatment vs. control arm, respectively) with an unadjusted OR equal to 2.22 (95%CI 0.96-5.12, p-value 0.06), and an adjusted OR equal to 2.31 (95%CI 0.90-5.92, p-value 0.08). Baseline PSA and >1 metastatic sites were non-significantly associated with CBR in multivariable models, with OR equal to 0.92 (95%CI 0.85-1.01, p-value 0.06) and 1.20 (95%CI 0.46-3.09, p-value 0.71), respectively.


Promising efficacy of SBR+AA combination was shown if compared to standard of care alone for oligometastatic CRPC. Even if statistical significance is not yet reached, treatment arm resulted in OR for BR and CBR doubled if compared to control arm. Moreover, PSA drop confirmed this trend. Selection criteria may be further refined, considering that baseline burden of disease was suggested to predict increased outcomes after SBRT. Whole cohort will be enrolled in 2022, final results for primary endpoint may confirm early outcomes in a larger population.