Copenhagen, Denmark

ESTRO 2022

Session Item

May 09
10:30 - 11:30
Auditorium 12
Adaptive radiotherapy
Jessica Rashid, United Kingdom;
Wim Vingerhoed, Belgium
Proffered Papers are presented at one of the sessions scheduled in the main session halls. Each author will present orally for 7 minutes, followed by 3 minutes for discussion. Sessions will be streamed.
Proffered Papers
11:10 - 11:20
A training needs analysis for online MRI guided adaptive radiotherapy: UK therapeutic radiographers
Elizabeth Joyce, United Kingdom


A training needs analysis for online MRI guided adaptive radiotherapy: UK therapeutic radiographers

Elizabeth Joyce1, Helen A McNair2, Marcus T Jackson3, Jennifer Skok3, Bianca Peet4

1Royal Marsden Hopsital, Radiotherapy, London, United Kingdom; 2Royal Marsden Hospital, Radiotherapy, London, United Kingdom; 3St George's, University of London, Diagnostic Radiography Section, London, United Kingdom; 4Royal Marsden Hospital, Research Operations, London, United Kingdom

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Purpose or Objective

Online MRI guided adaptive radiotherapy (MRIgRT) requires skills that UK therapeutic radiographers (TRs) may not have with conventional training and practice. A training needs analysis (TNA) was undertaken to explore this.

Material and Methods

The TNA was developed based on previous investigations into skills required for MRIgRT. Invitations to take part in the TNA were sent via department emails and social media with the aim to reach every UK centre. It was not a requirement to be involved or have any experience in MRIgRT.


A total of 261 responses were received from 77 UK centres (96% of NHS UK centres). Figure 1 shows the training needs for MRIgRT skills. Table 1 shows the TRs training aspects and views on the importance of MRIgRT skills. 

MRI Acquisition: Only 7% of TRs had training. 74% of TRs would like training or additional training as 1% reported training was sufficient. 36% reported that this skill was important to their current job and 82% indicated a future training need. 

CT-CT/CBCT Matching: 75% of TRs had training84% of TRs expressed it was important to their current role and 94% thought it was important to the future of the profession and 39% saw it as future training need. 

MRI-CBCT/MRI Matching: 11% of TRs had training in this skill. 43% of TRs stated it was important to their current job and 76% thought it was important to the future of the profession. 

Contouring on CT: 78% of TRs would like training or additional training as only 7% reported that training was sufficient. 56% of TRs thought it was important to their current role and 72% indicated there was future training need. 

Contouring on MRI: 3% of TRs had training in this skill. 65% reported they wanted training or additional training as only 2% said it was sufficient38% reported it was important to their current role and 82% thought it was important to the future of the profession. 

Radiotherapy planning: 30% of TRs had training in this skill. 68% of TRs would like training or additional training as only 9% reported that training was sufficient. 55% thought it was important to their current. 46% indicated a current training need and 72% indicated there was a future training need. 

Radiotherapy plan checking and approval: 16% of TRs had training in this skill. 58% of TRs would like training or additional training as only 7% stated training was sufficient. 48% stated it was important to their current role 64% highlighted a future training need.


The highest priority current training need was radiotherapy planning; this was also the highest current overall training need. The highest priority future training need was MRI acquisitionthis was also the highest overall future training need. There was an increase from current to future training needs in all skills which indicates that the skills would be beneficial to all TRs and not just those undertaking MRIgRT when considering the future of the TR profession.