Copenhagen, Denmark

ESTRO 2022

Session Item

May 07
10:30 - 11:30
Room D5
Photon radiotherapy planning
Linda Rossi, The Netherlands;
Marcel Nachbar, Germany
Proffered Papers are presented at one of the sessions scheduled in the main session halls. Each author will present orally for 7 minutes, followed by 3 minutes for discussion. Sessions will be streamed.
Proffered Papers
11:00 - 11:10
multi-institutional real-world validation of autoplanning for breast cancer
Christian Fiandra, Italy


multi-institutional real-world validation of autoplanning for breast cancer

Christian Fiandra1, Stefania Zara2, Alessandro Alparone2, Gianfranco Loi3, Antonella Roggio4, Alberto Ciarmatori5, Ilaria Benvenuto6, Angela Poggiu7, Anna Di Dio8, Elisabetta Verdolino9, Federica Rosica10, Stefano Ren Kaiser11, Lidia Strigari12, Luca Reversi13, Elena Pierpaoli14, Paolo Ferrari15, Lorenzo Placidi16, Stefania Comi17, Erminia Infusino18, Manuela Coeli19, Eva Gino20, Tiziana Licciardello21, Nando Romeo22, Nunzia Ciscognetti23, Gian Marco Deotto24, Stefania Cora25, Silvia Pesente26, Linda Rossi27, Umberto Ricardi1, Ben Heijmen28, Maristella Marrocco29

1University of Torino, Department of Oncology, Turin, Italy; 2Tecnologie Avanzate, Research and Development, Turin, Italy; 3'Maggiore della Carità’ University Hospital, Medical Physics, Novara, Italy; 4Veneto Institute of Oncology IOV-IRCCS, Medical Physics, Padova, Italy; 5AORMN, Medical Physics, Pesaro, Italy; 6IRCCS-CROB, Radiotherapy, Rionero in Vulture, Italy; 7AOU, Fisica Sanitaria, Sassari, Italy; 8Città della Salute e della Scienza, Medical Physics, Turin, Italy; 9Ospedale S. G. MOSCATI, Medical Physics, Taranto, Italy; 10ASL Teramo, Medical Physics, Teramo, Italy; 11Azienda Sanitaria Universitaria Giuliano Isontina, Fisica Sanitaria, Trieste, Italy; 12IRCCS Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Bologna, Medical Physics, Bologna, Italy; 13Ospedali Riuniti di Ancona, Medical Physics, Ancona, Italy; 14Area Vasta 5 Asur P.O. Mazzoni, Medical Physics, Ascoli, Italy; 15Azienda Sanitaria dell'Alto Adige, Medical Physics, Bolzano, Italy; 16Fondazione Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli IRCCS, Medical Physics, Rome, Italy; 17European Institute of Oncology IRCCS, Medical Physics, Milan, Italy; 18IFO Istituti Fisioterapici Ospitalieri, Medical Physics, Rome, Italy; 19Azienda ULSS 9 Scaligera del Veneto, Medical Physics, Legnago, Italy; 20AO Ordine Mauriziano di Torino, Fisica Sanitaria, Turin, Italy; 21IRCCS Istituto Romagnolo per lo Studio dei Tumori, Medical Physics, Meldola, Italy; 22S. Vincenzo Hospital, Medical Physics, Taormina, Italy; 23ASL2 Savonese, Medical Physics, Savona, Italy; 24University Hospital of Siena, Medical Physics, Siena, Italy; 25San Bortolo Hospital, Medical Physics, Vicenza, Italy; 26Tecnologie Avanzate, Research and Development, Udine, Italy; 27Erasmus MC Cancer Institute, Medical Physics, Rotterdam, The Netherlands; 28Erasmus MC Cancer centre, Radiation Oncology, Rotterdam, The Netherlands; 29Campus Biomedico University, Radiation Oncology, Rome, Italy

Show Affiliations
Purpose or Objective

Investigate whether autoplanning could replace current clinical planning in Italy for whole breast irradiation after breast-sparing surgery, with/without boost, and with/without inclusion of regional lymph nodes.

Material and Methods

The 24 participating centers can include a selection of 10 IMRT/VMAT patients treated in their practice (240 patients in total). There were no restrictions regarding delivery units or clinical TPS and no limitation in tumor location, extension, treatment machine, prescribed dose and fractionation.

Autoplanning was performed with an optimizer implemented in a commercial TPS. A single algorithm configuration was used for all participating centers. For each patient, the autoplan was generated for the clinically applied delivery machine.

Autoplans were compared to clinical plans by clinician blind scoring, and by dosimetrical comparisons for PTV and OARs. In the blind scoring, the clinical plan and the autoplan were simultaneously loaded and the treating clinician could score High, Medium or Low impact advantage for one of the plans, or Parity.


So far 175 patients have been included from 18 centers; 116 (66%) with left-sided breast cancer and 59 with right-sided. 40 patients (23%) also had a boost dose. Supraclavicular nodes, internal mammary nodes and axillary nodes were treated in 54 patients (31%), 12 patients (7%) and 7 patients (4%), respectively. Delivered doses were between 40.05 Gy and 50 Gy (from 15 to 25 fractions), with concomitant boost doses of 55-60 Gy. All C-arm linacs and Tomotherapy were used for delivery. All clinical plans were generated manually, and all major commercial TPS were represented.

For 82/175 patients (47%), the treating clinicians preferred the autoplan, while the clinical plan was favoured in 75 (43%) cases. For 18 (10%) the clinicians scored Parity. See Fig. 1 for details. Statistically significant differences (p<0.05) in favor of autoplans were found for PTV coverage and conformity, while D0,03cc and Homogeneity index were favorable to Manual (Figure 2a). For OARs , following differences were found to be statistically significative: contralateral breast average and D0.03cc were reduced by 23% and 23,6% respectively; for heart, average dose and V8Gy were reduced by 19.6% and 3.8%; for ipsilateral lung, all dosimetric parameters (V16Gy, V8Gy, V4Gy and Average) were favorable to autoplans (2,7%, 2,6%, 2.8% and 11,6%)


Even with the large variation in included patients, delivery machines, treatment techniques and clinical TPSs, and no institution-specific configurations of the autoplanning algorithm, in 57% of the 175 patients from 18 centers, clinicians scored higher or equal quality for autoplans compared to manually generated clinical plans. Dose- volume parameters were mainly in favor of autoplans. This study points at an opportunity to substantially reduce treatment planning workload for breast cancer.