Copenhagen, Denmark

ESTRO 2022

Session Item

May 07
10:30 - 11:30
Room D2
Claus Andersen, Denmark;
Cristina Garibaldi, Italy
Proffered Papers are presented at one of the sessions scheduled in the main session halls. Each author will present orally for 7 minutes, followed by 3 minutes for discussion. Sessions will be streamed.
Proffered Papers
10:40 - 10:50
MLC modelling assessment with a set of standardized tests: Results from a multicentric study
Jordi Saez, Spain


MLC modelling assessment with a set of standardized tests: Results from a multicentric study

Jordi Saez1, Raquel Bar-Deroma2, Evelien Bogaert3, Romain Cayez4, Tom Chow5, Marco Esposito6, Vladimir Feygelman7, Angelo F. Monti8, Julia Garcia-Miguel9, Eduard Gershkevitsh10, Jo Goossens11, Carmen Herrero12, Mohammad Hussein13, Catherine Khamphan14, Wolfgang Lechner15, Matthieu Lemire16, Alexander Nevelsky2, Daniel Nguyen17, Lucia Paganini18, Marlies Passler19, Luis Isaac Ramos Garcia20, Serenella Russo6, John Shakeshaft21, Laure Vieillevigne22, Victor Hernandez23

1Hospital Clínic de Barcelona, Radiation Oncology, Barcelona, Spain; 2Rambam Health Care Campus, Department of Radiotherapy, Division of Oncology, Haifa, Israel; 3Ghent University Hospital and Ghent University, Department of Radiation Oncology, Ghent, Belgium; 4Oscar Lambret Center, Department of Medical Physics, Lille, France; 5Juravinski Hospital and Cancer Centre at Hamilton Health Sciences, Department of Medical Physics, Ontario, Canada; 6USL Toscana Centro, Medical Physics Unit, Florence, Italy; 7Moffitt Cancer Center, Department of Radiation Oncology, Tampa, USA; 8ASST GOM Niguarda, Department of Medical Physics, Milano, Italy; 9Consorci Sanitari de Terrassa, Department of Medical Physics, Terrassa, Spain; 10North Estonia Medical Centre, Department of Medical Physics, Tallinn, Estonia; 11Iridium Kankernetwerk, Department of Medical Physics, Antwerp, Belgium; 12Centro Médico de Asturias-IMOMA, Department of Radiation Oncology, Gijón, Spain; 13National Physical Laboratory, Metrology for Medical Physics Centre, London, United Kingdom; 14 Institut Sainte-Catherine, Department of Medical Physics, Avignon, France; 15Medical University of Vienna, Department of Radiation Oncology, Vienna, Austria; 16Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont, Department of Medical Physics, Montréal, Canada; 17Centre de Radiothérapie de Mâcon, Department of Medical Physics, Mâcon, France; 18Humanitas Clinical and Research Center, Radiotherapy and Radiosurgery Department, Rozzano, Italy; 19Lake Constance Radiation Oncology Center, Department of Radiation Oncology, Singen-Friedrichshafen, Germany; 20Clínica Universidad de Navarra, Department of Oncology, Pamplona, Spain; 21Gold Coast University Hospital, ICON Cancer Centre, Gold Coast, Australia; 22Institut Claudius Regaud—Institut Universitaire du Cancer de Toulouse, Department of Medical Physics, Toulouse, France; 23Hospital Sant Joan de Reus, Department of Medical Physics, Reus, Spain

Show Affiliations
Purpose or Objective

Careful modelling of the MLC is crucial for IMRT/VMAT. It has been shown that TPS modelling errors were present in most centres failing end-to-end dosimetry audit [1] and a large centre-to-centre variability in MLC TPS parameters has been reported [2]. The goals of this study are to evaluate the feasibility of using a common set of tests to evaluate the MLC models implemented in TPSs and a common characterization of MLCs across vendors.

Material and Methods

24 centers worldwide were invited to participate in this pilot study. DICOM plans or scripts for the tests were supplied. The set of tests included reference, transmission, sweeping gap (SG) and asynchronous sweeping gap (aSG) fields for the 10 and 20 mm gaps. SG fields are sensitive to the transmission and rounded-leaf-end of the MLC [3,4], while aSG are sensitve to the tongue and groove (TG) width and the leaf tip-TG region [5,6]. In the aSG tests the gap is constant but adjacent leaves are shifted different distances ‘s’ to expose the leaf sides, causing a dose reduction as ‘s’ increases.


All centers used a Farmer-type ionization chamber with its long axis perpendicular to leaf movement with an isocentric set-up in water or solid water (SSD 90 cm, depth 10 cm) with a 6 MV photon beam. The DICOM set included images of a water phantom and an evaluation structure mimicking the ion chamber. Centers reported the average dose per field to the evaluation structure calculated by their TPS. Both measured and calculated doses were normalized to the reference field dose for comparison within the same MLC type.

A summary of MLC and TPSs evaluated is given in Fig1. Normalized doses for the aSG fields for 2 representative MLC types are shown in Fig2. For each type:
  • Measured normalized dose curves were nearly identical. The standard deviation with respect to the mean were at most 1% (Agility), 1% (HD120) 1.2% (Millennium) and 0.4% (Halcyon). The slope and shape of the dose reduction caused by the TG depended on the type. These results reflect that these tests are sensitive to the dosimetric details of each type. 
  • Calculated dose curves for TPSs showed large differences with respect to measured doses for all MLCs except for the Halcyon: 8% (Agility), 8% (HD120) and 3.5% (Millennium).


The proposed method constitutes the first successful attempt for an evaluation and assessment of MLC modelling with TPS-independent tests. Our study demonstrates that it is feasible to obtain information on the MLC characteristics with simple measurements. Only small variations were observed in the measurements within a given MLC type, while high variations were found in TPS dose calculations, which highlights the challenges faced by the community to configure MLCs in TPSs. This procedure can be readily incorporated in IMRT audits performed by national and international groups as part of the credentialing required for QA and clinical trials.

  1. Kerns, IJROBP 2017
  2. Glenn, MedPhys 2019
  3. LoSasso, MedPhys 1998
  4. Arnfield, MedPhys 2000
  5. Hernandez, PMB 2017
  6. Saez, PMB 2020