Copenhagen, Denmark

ESTRO 2022

Session Item

May 08
16:55 - 17:55
Auditorium 15
Breast, rectum
Alex Stewart, United Kingdom;
Tibor Major, Hungary
Proffered Papers are presented at one of the sessions scheduled in the main session halls. Each author will present orally for 7 minutes, followed by 3 minutes for discussion. Sessions will be streamed.
Proffered Papers
17:25 - 17:35
Endorectal brachytherapy to enhance complete response receiving neoadjuvant CTRT in rectal cancers
Rahul Krishnatry, India


Endorectal brachytherapy to enhance complete response receiving neoadjuvant CTRT in rectal cancers

Reena Engineer1, Debanjali Dutta1, Avanish Saklani2, Ashwin D'Souza2, Libin Scaria3, Suman Ankathi4, Akshay Baheti5, Jyoti Poddar6, Mangesh Patil6

1Tata Memorial Hospital, Radiation Oncology, Mumbai, India; 2Tata Memorial Centre, GI Surgical Oncology, Mumbai, India; 3Tata Memorial Centre, Radiation Physics, Mumbai, India; 4Tata Memorial Centre, Radioldiagosis, Mumbai, India; 5Tata Memorial Centre, Radiodiagnosis, Mumbai, India; 6Tata Memorial Centre, Radiation Oncology, Mumbai, India

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Purpose or Objective

Purpose:Patients achieving complete response post NACTRT can be managed using watch and wait (W&W) approach. We aimed to study whether additional boost with endorectal brachytherapy (ERBT) increases complete response as well as reduces local regrowth rates.

Material and Methods

Materials and Methods: Patients diagnosed with distal rectal cancers (T2-T4/N0-N+) were treated with concurrent chemoradiotherapy. Post EBRT a select group of patients having residual non circumferential lesions <7cm in length were given additional boost of ERBT using multi-channel surface loader with Ir192 HDR source.  The brachytherapy application and planning was done using MRI guidance.

All were reassessed 6-8 weeks post ERBT and patients with near complete/complete clinical response (nCR/cCR) were followed up with wait and watch strategy. The nCR/cCR rate, local regrowth rate and organ preservation rate were estimated. Patients with partial or no response were advised standard total mesorectal surgery.


Results: One hundred patients treated between December 2017 to April 2021receiving endorectal brachytherapy post NACTRT were identified. External beam radiotherapy was given to a dose of  45-55Gy (median 50Gy) in conventional fractionation with concurrent Capecitabine, followed by endorectal brachytherapy 8-12Gy in 2-3 (median 12Gy/3)  fractions. Brachytherapy was performed at a median time of 2 (range 1-4) weeks post last fraction of EBRT.

The overall nCR/cCR rate was 50% (20 nCR, 30 cCR and 50 PR). Of the 50 patients with cCR/nCR, 7 were unwilling for W&W and underwent surgical resection (5 had pCR, 1 pN1, 1-pT3N0) and the rest 43 patients were kept on observation. Fifty patients having partial response underwent TME

At a median follow-up of 26 months (IQR 14-38 months) 5 (11.6%)   patients on W&W had local regrowth (2 also with distant metastasis). All except 1 were surgically salvaged.

Overall organ preservation rate was 39%. The only factor influencing cCR/nCR was baseline T and N stage. Of the 15 T2 ttumors 12(80%) had cCR whereas of the 85 T3 tumors 38 (45%) had cCR/nCR (p_0.02). Similarly absence of mesorectal nodes was associated with higher cCR/nCR rate (73% vs 46%, p_0.04)

Late rectal toxicity was observed in 12 (25%) patients with 6 having Grade 1 and another 6 Grade 2. DFS. Overall survival being 100%

Overall 8(8%) developed distant metastasis 4 from the WW group and 4 from PR group.

Conclusion: Endorectal brachytherapy is a safe and feasible technique to enhance complete response, reducing local regrowth and thus improving organ preservation for distal rectal cancers.


Conclusion: Endorectal brachytherapy is a safe and feasible technique to enhance complete response, reducing local regrowth and thus improving organ preservation for distal rectal cancers