Copenhagen, Denmark

ESTRO 2022

Session Item

May 07
16:55 - 17:55
Poster Station 1
07: Imaging & AI techniques
Stephanie Tanadini-Lang, Switzerland
Poster Discussions are presented at one of the sessions scheduled at the two poster terminals in the exhibition. Each author will present a digital poster orally for 2 minutes, followed by 2 minutes for discussion. Sessions will not be streamed but authors are invited to upload per-recordings for the online platform.
Poster Discussion
Evaluation of three AI-based CT auto-contouring systems for head&neck, thorax and pelvis
Marta Casati, Italy


Evaluation of three AI-based CT auto-contouring systems for head&neck, thorax and pelvis

Marta Casati1, Mauro Loi2, Chiara Arilli1, Livia Marrazzo1, Cinzia Talamonti1,3, Margherita Zani1, Antonella Compagnucci1, Gabriele Simontacchi4, Vanessa Di Cataldo5, Isacco Desideri3, Pierluigi Bonomo4, Nicola Franza6, Davide Raspanti7, Roberto Pellegrini8, Lorenzo Livi3,2, Stefania Pallotta3,1

1Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria Careggi, Medical Physics, Florence, Italy; 2Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria Careggi, Radiotherapy Unit, Florence, Italy; 3University of Florence, Department of Experimental and Clinical Biomedical Sciences, Florence, Italy; 4Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria Careggi, Radiation Oncology, Florence, Italy; 5Florentine Institute of Care and Assistance (IFCA), Radiation Oncology, Florence, Italy; 6DosimETrICA, DosimETrICA, Nocera Inferiore (SA), Italy; 7Temasinergie S.p.A., Radiotherapy and Diagnostic Radiology, Faenza (RA), Italy; 8Elekta AB, Global Clinical Science, Stockholm, Sweden

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Purpose or Objective

To evaluate both performances and clinical acceptability of auto-contours generated by three AI-based software on 18 CT studies: 6 Head and Neck (H&N), 6 Thorax (T), and 6 Pelvis (P).

Material and Methods

The structures listed in table 1 have been assessed, for each test study. The evaluated AI-contours were generated with deep learning algorithms by: Contour Protégé AI (Protégé) v. 2.0 (MIM software Inc. 7.1.5), Limbus Contour (Limbus) v. 1.3.0 (Limbus AI Inc.), and Admire v. 3.28 (prototype by Elekta) software. The type and number of contours automatically contoured by the three software are different. Lymph nodes were not evaluated. For the Pelvis, we also compared the performances of AI-based with atlas-based segmentation approaches. For this purpose two MIM atlases: a proprietary atlas (High-Risk Prostate, HRP) and an in-house developed atlas (AOUC) [1] were employed, invoking them from an in-house, multi-subject customized workflow, in which registration parameters and post-processing options were optimized.

Each contour (including manual) was visually evaluated in a blinded test by a Radiation Oncologist (RO) (other than the reference one), assigning a score proportional to the degree of corrections needed for clinical suitability: 0 (contour acceptable without editing); 1 (minor revision required); 2 (further revision needed). 


For each district, the percentage of evaluated structures scored 0, 1 or 2 are reported in figure 2a.

The percentage of evaluated structures for which no corrections or minor corrections were needed are reported in fig. 2b.


For all districts, more than 79% of DL contours are acceptable or need minor corrections (Fig. 2b).

DL contours generally have a higher degree of clinical acceptability than atlas-based contours. Although certain atlas-based contours sometimes require even major revision, we improved MIM HRP atlas contours quality by optimizing the workflow image-registration options and post-processing steps. Results further improved by using AOUC atlas, created and optimized in-house: the fraction of contours scored 0 or 1 reaches 92%, comparable to DL-generated contours.


DL-based algorithms represent a turning point in the field of auto-contouring and produce high quality contours. Even if some corrections are needed before clinical use, in clinical practice, important time-savings may be obtained, if no or minor corrections are needed.

To date, evaluated deep-learning algorithms are capable to produce high quality contours, in most cases clinically acceptable or prone to be quickly edited with minor revision.


[1] Casati et Al. DOI: 10.1002/acm2.13093