Copenhagen, Denmark

ESTRO 2022

Session Item

May 08
16:55 - 17:55
Poster Station 1
15: Advances in patient care & treatment verifications
Hans Paul van der Laan, The Netherlands
Poster Discussions are presented at one of the sessions scheduled at the two poster terminals in the exhibition. Each author will present a digital poster orally for 2 minutes, followed by 2 minutes for discussion. Sessions will not be streamed but authors are invited to upload per-recordings for the online platform.
Poster Discussion
Implementation of marker less Surface Guided Radiotherapy in a complex multi-stakeholder environment
An Sprangers, Belgium


Implementation of marker less Surface Guided Radiotherapy in a complex multi-stakeholder environment

Flávia Das Neves Horácio1, An Sprangers1, Wim Wingerhoed2, Patrick Brokken2, Karen Schaerlaeken2, Hannelore Van Dyck2, Isabelle Mollaert3, Dirk Verellen2

1Iridium Netwerk, Radiotherapy, Antwerp, Belgium; 2Iridium Netwerk, Radiotherapy, Antwerpen, Belgium; 3Iridium netwerk, Radiotherapy, Antwerpen, Belgium

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Purpose or Objective

Surface guided Radiotherapy (SGRT) is more and more used in radiation therapy. With SGRT a marker less patient’s workflow can be implemented in a radiotherapy center and will give patients more comfort during their treatments, skin marks should no longer be placed. The implementation of SGRT in a Radiotherapy Network Centre with 4 radiotherapy sites and 9 linear accelerators can be quite challenging. This work demonstrates the steps adopted in our Network for the implementation of a SGRT system and the progressive transition to a marker less Radiotherapy with the use of a “Superusers” Team.

Material and Methods

In October 2020 we have started the implementation of C-Rad Surface Guided Radiotherapy system in our Radiotherapy Network Center. We began with a “Superusers” Team - a selected group of 5 RTTS and 3 physicists with previous extended experience on SGRT/ tattoo less. The implementation of SGRT was progressive and included: I) Superusertraining by cRAD II) Training of the “Superusers” team at one linear accelerator in order to evaluate current used methods, identify bottlenecks and troubleshooting and create a new uniformized workflow III) Introduction of table parameters, since the Surface scanning system can only give accurate measurements with object within 5 cm of targeted position IV) Going Marker less meaning new patients had no tattoos workflow V) Create support materials, such as the positioning and procedure manuals. VI) Train the RTT’s. A SWOT analyze (see fig 1) was done by the superuserteam, our management and cRAD.


From SWOT analyze, we see that the use of a Superuser team concept has helped with the fast implementation of marker less SGRT based positioning workflow and especially in a period of Covid-19. In one year, we have implemented SGRT in 3 radiotherapy sites totaling 7 linear accelerators and 25 trained RTTs. The more RTTs were trained and used to the new workflow, time of implementing in a new machine became shorter. At the time of writing, more than 75% of the treated population is in a tattoo less workflow. (See fig 2)


The use of the Superusers principe has allowed the implementation of marker less SGRT based positioning workflow in a one-year period at 3 radiotherapy sites totaling 7 linear accelerators and 25 trained RTTs.