Copenhagen, Denmark

ESTRO 2022

Session Item

May 08
16:55 - 17:55
Poster Station 1
15: Advances in patient care & treatment verifications
Hans Paul van der Laan, The Netherlands
Poster Discussions are presented at one of the sessions scheduled at the two poster terminals in the exhibition. Each author will present a digital poster orally for 2 minutes, followed by 2 minutes for discussion. Sessions will not be streamed but authors are invited to upload per-recordings for the online platform.
Poster Discussion
Surface Guided Radiotherapy accuracy vs tattoos position in 5- fractions breast radiotherapy.
daniela gonsalves, Spain


Surface Guided Radiotherapy accuracy vs tattoos position in 5- fractions breast radiotherapy.

daniela gonsalves1, Jaume Fernandez2, Antonio Seral2, Jose Ignacio Sanchez3, Ernest Luguera3, Irene Pajaro4, Ariadna Parra4, Carla Ferrer4, Laia López4, Sara López4, Anna Carreras4, Escarlata López1

1Genesis Care, Radiation Oncology, Madrid, Spain; 2GenesisCare, Radiation Oncology, Barcelona, Spain; 3GenesisCare, Radiation Physics, Barcelona, Spain; 4GenesisCare, Radiotherapy Technologists , Barcelona, Spain

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Purpose or Objective

The aim of this study is to compare the accuracy in set up position between SGRT and Tattoo-based method in 5 fractions adjuvant breast radiotherapy 

Material and Methods

60 patients were selected for the study and divided equally in two groupstattoo-based method group and SGRT group. The first group received 4 dark ink tattoos. The first tattoo was anterior and midline in the chest. The second and third  laterally on the right and left side of the chest and the four 4 cm above the first one . The patient was positioned aligning the tattoos with the laser localisation then shift were made to move to the isocentre. The SGRT group wadetermined by AlignRT® system that tracks the patient’s skin surface in real-time with a prdetermine region of interest (ROI). The ROI in this group included the isocentre, breast tissue and a stable surface such as mid -sternum and upper ribs. In SGRT, the left sided breast patients were treated with deep inspiration breath holding (DIBH) in comparison with free-breathing in the tattoo group. 

The patients were immobilised with arm supports. A total dose of 26 Gy for the breast was prescribe in 5 daily fractions and a concomitant boost in the surgical bed of 29 Gy was allowed following the center protocol. The treatment was calculated with Pinnacle® and delivered with a VERSA HD® .A dailCBCT was perform for all patients. The Longitudinal (Y), Lateral (X) and Vertical (Z) positions swift were filed in Mosaiq. If a shift more than 0,5 cm was present at treatment an online review was performed by a Radiation OncologistWe registered the following parameters: age, stage, daily shift recorded in Mosaiq.Tstudent was used to compare the two modalities. A second analysis was perform differencing right and left breast considering the two different techniques available DIBH and free- breathing.  



A total of 300 fractions was done. A median age of 66 years old. 83% were stage IA and 17% stage IIA28 patients received concomitant boostIn the first group, a median of shift of X= 0.2 cm Y=0.16 cm Z=0. 1 cm was registered and in the second group: X= 0.3 cm Y= 0.2 cm Z= 0.3. 39 patients received right breast cancer radiotherapy, divided equally in the two groups, a median shift of SGRT group: X=0,1 cm; Y=0.1 cm; Z= 0.31 cm and X=0,1 cm; Y=0.2 cm; Z= 0.17cm in the tattoo group with no statistical difference (p= 0,65; p= 0.38; p=0.13respectably) 

24 patients undergone left breast radiotherapy, 12 patients in each groupA media shift registered in the Tattoo group:  X= 0,1 cm; Y= 0.26 cm; Z= 0.31 vs X= 0,1 cm; Y= 0.3 cm; Z= 0.2cm in SGRTVertical movements improved in the SGRT group with a statistical difference (p=0.002). When comparing all patients a statistical difference was found in Z (p=0.006). 




SGRT improves patient positioning accuracy compared to tattoos in left breast cancer patient treated with DIBH. In the right sided breast treatment SGRT is an available possibility for set up with no statistical difference compare to tattoos.