• What is the maximum number of authors allowed?
Up to 25 authors contributing to the abstract can be listed.
• How long can the abstract title be?
Abstract titles are limited to 100 characters and reflect the content of the abstract. Do not use capital letters and do not use non-standard abbreviations. Prospective clinical trials should be identified as such in the title (include The National Clinical Trial number when applicable)
• What is the word limit for abstracts?
750 words.
• What is the required structure for abstracts?
Abstracts should include the following parts:
- Purpose/Objective
- Material/Methods
- Results
- Conclusion
- References (are not included in word count)
• Can tables and images be included in abstracts?
Yes, but they must be limited to two items (tables or images) in JPG or PNG formats. These uploads are not included in the word count. The maximum pixel size of an image is 600(w) x 800 (h) pixel.
• Can an image of a table by uploaded?
Yes this is allowed but please note, images containing multiple tables will be penalised in the review process.
• Can data tables be included in the abstract?
Yes, you may include one data table using the insert table icon (we advise not to copy-paste a table into the body of the abstract). The words in a data table are included in the word count.
• Are case studies accepted?
Case studies are only accepted if they are first-in-human.
• Are abstracts that have already been published or presented accepted?
Papers already presented at another meeting already published materials are not accepted unless the previous audience is distinct from the ICHNO 2024 congress audience (e.g. national meetings).
• Are literature reviews accepted?
No literature reviews are not accepted by systematic reviews are.
• Are place-holder abstracts accepted?
Abstracts on research not yet performed and results not yet obtained are not accepted.
• What type of conflict of interest should be disclosed during the submission of an abstract?
Stock ownership, membership on any advisory boards, commercially-sponsored research or any other substantial relationships.
• Are the references include in the word count?
No, you may include references in the designated field after the conclusion and these do not add to the word count.