The ESTRO Physics Committee is delighted to announce the 5th ESTRO Physics Workshop 2022: Science in Development.
Feedback from ESTRO physics members highlighted that they are often too busy at the annual congress to have in depth discussions with their colleagues about topics of mutual interest. We have addressed this need by holding annual workshops on specific hot topics where the challenges and future directions can be discussed and international collaborations to address them made. These highly productive events have led to many outcomes and publications.
The workshops are neither regular meetings based on invited talks and proffered papers, nor teaching courses. Instead, they aim to facilitate scientific and professional networking opportunities within the ESTRO physics membership, physicists working in other areas and furthermore, create close interactions with industrial developers.
Participants register for one single topic and the programmes are based on invited talks by specialists in the field, as well as pitches by the participants to share their thoughts, issues and work on the topic theme. This is followed by ample time for discussion and at the end of the workshop each group develops a list of future actions on their topic.
One of the new topics for this year will be a Joint DREAM (Dose Response, Experiment, Analysis, Modelling): a physics & radiobiology workshop.
This workshop aims to foster communication, awareness and appreciation between the disciplines in the light of the greatest current (and old) challenges and the latest advancements in methodologies and experimental approaches
All the topics for 2022 are listed under the programme tab below:
Take a look and register! We look forward to meeting you in Lisbon for this next edition of productive workshops!
Catharine Clark
Chair ESTRO Physics Committee.
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