Delft, The Netherlands

Dosimetry Audit

The course will provide a unique opportunity to experience a hands-on practical course to learn how to set up, run, analyse and report a dosimetry audit that assesses the dosimetric capability of an institution. The course will give you the possibility to set up a new dosimetry auditing network.

The course is aimed at physicists who are interested in learning about how dosimetry audit can be developed and how to begin to run multi-centre audits.



Catharine Clark, (UK) University College London Hospital/NPL


  • Catharine Clark, (UK) University College London Hospital/NPL
  • Eduard Gershkevitsh (EST) - North Estonia Medical Centre, Tallinn
  • Stephen Kry (USA) - MD Anderson, Houston, Texas
  • Victor Hernandez (ES) -  Hospital Universitari Sant Joan de Reus, Tarragona
  • Tony Palmer (UK)- Queen Alexandria Hospital, Portsmouth
  • Russell Thomas, National Physical Laboratory, London (UK)
  • Mohammad Hussein, National Physical Laboratory, London (UK)


  • Leon de Prez (NL) – National Metrology Institute

This advanced course, based at National Metrology Institute in Delft, aims to provide training which will allow participants to develop dosimetry audit, as well as learn how to select and use the most appropriate equipment, report the results and what to do when errors and issues are found. The goal is to give the participants hands-on experience and the opportunity to partake in discussion with experienced auditors, such that they are then in a strong position to take their new skills away and apply them in setting up new dosimetry audits for a variety of reasons. This will be very practical course through the integration of lectures, discussions and real-world scenarios. The program is aimed to be an introduction to the key elements of dosimetry auditing with worked examples and advice, as well as the opportunity to try out techniques under the guidance of experts. The faculty will include experts from standards laboratories, clinical trials quality assurance groups and dosimetry audit networks, who have not only carried out audits themselves but have also developed approaches for validating advanced radiotherapy techniques. 


By the end of this course participants should be able to:
•    Understand the clinical relevance and impact of audit
•    Select the most appropriate detectors and phantoms 
•    Make effective measurements in reference and end-to-end conditions
•    Determine the appropriate tolerances to set
•    Understand how to report the audit results 
•    Understand what to do when issues are found



•    Clinical relevance of audit 
•    How to design a good audit
•    Choosing the right tools 
•    Determining the uncertainty budget 
•    Setting audit tolerances
•    Reference dosimetry vs. end-to-end vs. comprehensive audits
•    On-site vs. remote vs. virtual audits
•    Novel audit methodologies 
•    Lessons learned from dosimetry audits
•    Reporting audit results and follow-up
•    Effective film dosimetry
•    Using patient specific QA devices
•    Reference and small field dosimetry
•    End-to-end VMAT/SBRT audit
•    Specific TPS planned scenarios
•    Reporting on case studies with problems



Before commencing this course, participants should:

  • Have good knowledge of radiotherapy dosimetry measurement and calculation


  • 8 hours of lectures
  • 18 hours of hands-on practicals
  • 4 hours of discussions.



  • MCQ
  • Evaluation form.





Programme will be available soon


Radiotherapy dosimetry, audit, measurement


Please consult the ESTRO website page of this course for further information.


Application for CPD recognition will be submitted to the European Board for Accreditation in Medical Physics (EBAMP), as a CPD event for medical physicists. Information on the status of the applications can be obtained from the ESTRO office.

VSL metrology institute


ESTRO members can order products at substantially reduced prices. To benefit from the member registration rate, you must subscribe for the ESTRO membership 2025 BEFORE registering to the course. To become an ESTRO member, benefit from the member registration rate and discover the many other member advantages, please visit the membership page.



Early rate

Late rate


  850 EUR

 950 EUR

ESTRO Members

  675 EUR 

 825 EUR

In-training members*

  525 EUR

 675 EUR

* Members with specialty RadiationTherapist (RTT) may register at the In-Training fee

The fee includes the course material, coffees, lunches, and the social event.

Advance registration & payment are required.

Access to homework and/or course material will become available upon receipt of full payment.

Insurance and cancellation

Participants are strongly advised to take out their own personal insurance policy. ESTRO does not accept liability for individual medical, travel or personal accidents or incidents. Participants are strongly advised to take insurance policies to cover flight and accommodation cancellation penalties. ESTRO will not refund any travel or accommodation expenses.

For any cancellation made by the course or workshop participant, ESTRO School Events Cancellation Policy will be followed and all stated penalty fees will be applied.

Reduced fees

Members from emerging countries may register at a preferential rate of 350 Euro. Emerging country fee applies to individuals from low-income and lower-middle-income economies according to the World Bank listing here.

Additionally, all specialties from the following countries can benefit from this preferential rate: Albania, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Hungary, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Russian Federation, Serbia, Turkey, Ukraine.  

The preferential rate of 350 Euro is granted automatically when you click on the  BOOK NOW  button and the three conditions below are met:

  1. Only ESTRO members for 2025 are eligible (please make sure your 2025 membership is in order before you click on the BOOK NOW  button)
  2. Only one course per person per year can be subsidized by ESTRO
  3. Sponsored candidates are not entitled to reduced fees (the invoicing address has to be the one of the participant)  

 Please note:

  • We can only guarantee a certain number of reduced fees per course
  • Application deadlines are the same as early registration fees