Vienna, Austria

ESTRO 2025


May 06
09:15 - 10:30
Climate change and cancer: How are they connected?
Azadeh Abravan, United Kingdom;
Kari Tanderup, Denmark
Will climate change impact cancer care? How big is the carbon footprint from radiotherapy? What can I do to make radiotherapy more sustainable? If you think these questions are important, we welcome you to join this symposium to get more insights. You will learn about potential disruptions in radiotherapy treatment continuity caused by extreme weather events and their potential effects on patient outcome. Also, health care – including radiotherapy – is a source of carbon footprint. This symposium will give you an overview of the most important contributors to the radiotherapy carbon footprint as well as an introduction to effective mitigations strategies. Finally, there will be a discussion about why and how the healthcare system can transform towards sustainability – e.g. through value-based healthcare, innovative solutions, research and education.
09:15 - 09:40
How does climate change impact cancer care?
Katie Lichter, USA
09:40 - 10:05
Carbon footprint of radiotherapy and oncology: Magnitude and mitigation strategies
David Ali, France
10:05 - 10:30
Healthcare policy: What are our hospitals and departments going to ask us to do?
Jean-Francois Daisne, Belgium