Vienna, Austria

ESTRO 2025


May 05
08:00 - 08:40
Implementing deep learning segmentation for OARs
Elizabeth Forde, Ireland
In this session we welcome our two multidisciplinary speakers from The Catharina Cancer Institute in Eindhoven, The Netherlands. During this session we will have the opportunity to learn first-hand how deep learning segmentation (DLS) has been implemented in their clinic, and how this process has changed their practice. Firstly, Clinical Physicist, Coen Hurkmans, will consider the motivation to implement DLS practices in a clinical environment. Drawing on evidence from the literature, he will highlight achievable results, common pitfalls, and strategies to mitigate errors in segmentation. He will also provide us with a comprehensive guide to evaluating the quality of segmentations within clinical workflows. Coen will also address the how to establish a multidisciplinary team to support the implementation phase of DLS. His talk will then be followed up by RTT colleague, Melissa Verdonk-van den Heuvel. Melissa will talk us through the practicalities of introducing DLS, using examples from various imaging technologies, including CBCT and MRI. She will also highlight the outcomes of testing protocols, and the ongoing quality assurance measures in place critical to the success of DLS. Finally, Melissa will discuss the evolving roles of radiation therapists (RTTs) in this changing landscape and explore potential future opportunities for advanced practice.
Teaching Lecture
AI in RT
08:00 - 08:20
Stepwise overview by the medical physicist
Coen Hurkmans, The Netherlands
08:20 - 08:40
Tailor-made for the RTT?
Melissa Verdonk - van den Heuvel, The Netherlands