Vienna, Austria

ESTRO 2025


May 03
08:45 - 10:00
Strauss 1-2
1110-Advances in the treatment of adult-diffuse gliomas
Giuseppe Minniti, Italy
CNS / Reirradiation
08:45 - 09:03
Redefining the standard treatment for adult-type IDH-mutant gliomas: The emerging role of IDH-inhibitors
Matthias Preusser, Austria
09:03 - 09:21
RT for IDH-mutant gliomas: When and how
Sara Erridge, United Kingdom
09:21 - 09:39
RT for IDH-wild-type glioma: Is something changing?
Maximilian Niyazi, Germany
09:39 - 09:57
Reirradiation of gliomas: What we are learning from trials?
Anca-L. Grosu, Germany