Glasgow, United Kingdom

ESTRO 2024


May 06
15:00 - 15:50
Nurturing the future: Inspiring innovation through national young radiation oncology societies
Artur Chyrek, Poland;
Bartłomiej Tomasik, Poland
Fostering progress in modern radiotherapy necessitates the fresh perspectives and active involvement of the emerging generation. Our session is designed to ignite a collaborative ethos, interlacing the diverse experiences and stories of our speakers from across Europe and beyond. We aspire to catalyze a unified effort among participants, encouraging actions that span from intimate national groups to the expansive international landscape, all under the young ESTRO umbrella. Together, let's shape a new era of radiotherapy. Join us in this movement for innovation and collective advancement!
Panel Discussion
15:00 - 15:15
What is yESTRO, what can we do for you, and where are we going?
Steven Petit, The Netherlands
15:15 - 15:22
Northern perspective
Hela Hammami, Tunisia
15:22 - 15:29
Southern perspective
Luca Boldrini, Italy
15:29 - 15:36
Eastern perspective
Andrada Turcas, Romania
15:36 - 15:50